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I stand there, unable to move as he steps towards me. Almost as if he has a spell over me. The man doesn't take his eyes off of me for a second as he slowly walks towards me.

"W-what do you want from me?" I manage to say.

He doesn't answer, when he gets a little more from a foot away from me I regain the strength to move and start running as fast as I can. I can hear his footsteps close behind me. I begin to run out of breath but I know if I stop he will do whatever he planned to do with me. I feel a sense of relief when my apartment comes into view. I run into my apartment and lock the door behind me.

"Whats wrong? What happened?" Madison says terrified.

"T..there was a guy...chasing me" I say in between breathes.

"Who? Why?" she questions me.

I explain to her what happened and her face turns pale as a ghost.

"A vampire" she mumbles.

"What do you mean? They don't exist" I say.

"You saw it with your own eyes! How can you say they don't exist?!"

"I was probably just seeing things" I say and shake my head trying to convince myself that I didn't see what I thought I saw. I don't want to believe that monsters like that exist.

"Whatever, I'm going to stay with you tonight just to make sure you're going to be okay"

"I'll go get you some clothes to sleep in then" I say and walk into my bedroom.

I go and get her a shirt and shorts for her to wear. When I turn around I see a tall man, the one I saw while I was walking home. My breath becomes unsteady and I don't take my eyes off of him. He just stares at me. Now that we aren't on a dark street I can actually see what he looks like. He's tall and slender, dressed in all black, all of his skin is covered other than his hands and neck, which both have tattoos all over them, he has long black hair, his ears are stretched, and he has three lip rings.

"What's taking you so long?" Madison says as she walks into my room.

I look at her then back at where he was and he was gone "it took me a little while to find some clothes" I lie and hand her the clothes. I don't want to tell her that I saw him again or else she'll freak out.

'So do you want to watch the movie now that you have popcorn?"

"Yeah" I answer.

We watch the movie but I can't get him out of my head. I keep wondering what he would have done to me if he caught me and most importantly, why he wanted me. Why not someone else? What made me so important?

"Well I'm tired, I'm going to sleep" Madison says as the movie ended and the credits came on the screen.

"Okay, where are you going to sleep, couch or my bed?" I ask.

"I'll sleep on the couch, you move too much in your sleep"

"Fine, more room for me" I say and get up to walk to my bedroom "night."

"Night" she answers and I walk in my bedroom and lay down on my bed.


It's pitch black and I can't see a thing. I feel my way around this long hallway and it seems like it will never end. As I slowly walk, I notice a dim light down the hallway. All I hear is the sound of my footsteps and my breathing. I keep walking towards the light and it gets closer and closer. when I get to the source of the light, I see a small cylinder-like candle on the ground. I pick it up and walk with it so I have some light as I make my way down the hallway. I see a figure in the distance.

"Hello?" I call out.

The figure steps closer to me but not close enough to see who or what it is. When I step closer to it, the thing disappears. I start walking again, and I start hearing faint whispering, it's too quiet for me to make out what it's saying though, I feel a slight breeze on the back of my neck but when I turn around theres nothing there.

"Darling, wake up" I hear a soft voice say.

I'm woken up from my dreams by the blinding light of the sun shining through my window. I lay in bed for a few minutes thinking about the weird dream I had. I've never had a dream like that before. I get out of bed and walk to the living room where Madison is, she's still asleep. It's really quiet in my apartment so I turn on Monster by Kuza quiet enough so it doesn't wake her up.


"Are you sure you'll be okay alone?" Madison asks as she's about to open the door.

"Yeah, I'll be fine" I say and I manage to fake a smile.

"Okay, text me later" she says and walks out of my apartment.

I plop down on my couch and turn on the tv. I watch some random channels for a while then I get bored of that. I get up and start to clean up my apartment. I love Madison to death but it gets annoying when she doesn't clean up after herself when she's here. After I'm done cleaning I walk into my bedroom and lay down on my bed then I dose off slowly.

I wake up randomly around 12 am. I get that feeling that someones staring at me again and I look around my room. I see a figure at the end of my bed and I know that its him.

I quickly turn my night stand light on and see him still standing there with his glowing red eyes.

"W- why" is all I manage to say.

"Shh, I'm not going to hurt you" he says but I don't believe him.

I reach for the phone to call the police but he grabs my arm.

"Don't!" he hisses and his face goes from calm to angry.

I start shaking from fear and he starts to look...sorry?

"No, please don't be scared" he says softly.

Why is he acting so nice to me? Who is this man?

"Who are you?" I ask shakily "a- and what do you want from me?"

"Well, I was just out looking something to eat yesterday night and you were out on the street alone and you would have been easy to get" he says getting closer to me "but when I got a good look at you, I saw that you are just so beautiful."

I'm a bit taken back by that. What the hell is he?

"What are you?" I ask.

"I thought you would have guessed it by now" he says and grins a little "I'm a vampire."

"No, vampires aren't real" I say.

"Yes darling, they are. You're looking right at one"

I stare at him shocked. I never would have thought that vampires were actually real, and he could have killed me yesterday but he didn't.

"Are you okay? You're really pale" he asks.

"Y..yeah" I say and take a deep breath "You never answered my one question, who are you?"

"I'm Christopher, but you can call me Chris" he says and smiles.

"Okay, Chris, how do you know my name"

"I was in your house before you left to go to the store, I wanted a good time to get you alone"


"Don't call me that" he growls.

I roll my eyes, he must have anger issues or something "whatever."

He sighs "I can go if you want" he says and stands up.

"Okay" I say and I turn my light off and I no longer see him in my room anymore. I lay my head down on my pillow and fall asleep.

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