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When I finally regain consciousness I stare at the ceiling for a few seconds before remembering everything that happened last night. Terrified, I look around at my surroundings then realize that I'm in a hospital room.

"You're awake" I hear a voice say. I look over and see a man who I assume is the doctor.

"Uh..." is all I manage to say.

"You've been passed out for 2 days" he says and pauses "and about your injuries, they aren't too major. Your face is pretty bruised, and your abdomen is bruised. There are also a few small gashes on your face but they should heal in a few weeks."

"Okay.." I say comprehend everything he said.

"We did CAT scans on you to see if there was any internal bleeding, the good news is there doesn't seem like you have any internal bleeding" he says to me and smiles a little.

"When can I leave?" I ask.

"We're going to keep you here for the rest of the day just to make sure you're healthy enough to leave."

"Okay thank you" I say.


I hear a knock on the door then the door opens and Gavin walks into the room and gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" he says.

"Eh, I'm pretty sore.."

"Aw...I'm sorry," he says and pauses for a second "who did this to you?" I can tell he's starting to get mad "When I got to the hospital and saw what you looked like, I was so mad.." he trails off and looks down at the ground.

"I'm sorry.." is all I can say.

"You shouldn't be sorry for anything, you didn't do anything wrong Nikki." He says and smiles a little "also.. if you're not ready to talk about what happened yet I completely understand. I was just mad and I wanted to know who this son of a bitch is that did this to you."

"No no, its fine I can talk about it" I say. I tell him everything, well, almost everything. I leave out the whole part about Chris being a vampire, I feel like he wouldn't believe me if I said that. I also left out the whole thing about Chris being the one to kill Dalton, I don't know why I just felt like I shouldn't say that to him, he might go off and do something to get him hurt.

Gavin doesn't speak at all while I talk, he just looks at me and listens.
"That's horrible.." he says when I get finished telling him "you should have told me he was threatening you, I could have done something. I could have possibly prevented all of this from happening to you."

"I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation" the doctor says walking in the room "but Nikki, the police are here to talk to you about what happened last night. Do you feel comfortable enough to tell the police what happened?" He asks.

"Yeah" I say.

Two police officers come into my hospital room and I tell them about last night and about what Chris has been doing to me, once again leaving out the part about him being a vampire, and they ask me a few questions then they leave.

Later that day Madison comes and visits me. She's so sensitive just her seeing me in the hospital makes her cry, I feel bad for making her cry so I give her a big hug.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Am I okay?? More like are you okay. Look at you. Who did this??" She says.

"I'm fine now" I say then pause for a second "and...Chris did this.."

"Are you KIDDING me!" She says angrily "I'm going to fight him!"

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