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The next morning I wake up and me and Gavin are cuddling on the couch and I feel myself start to blush. He's still sleeping, he looks adorable when he sleeps. I don't know what to do, should I stay here until he wakes up?

I didn't move until he woke up and he looks at me tiredly and smiles cutely.

"Good morning beautiful" he says to me.

"Good morning" I say and smile.

He pulls me closer to him and kisses my forehead and runs his fingers through my hair.

We don't move from the couch the rest of the morning. We just lay there and cuddle. I really like Gavin, he makes me feel safe, like nothing could go wrong when I'm around him.

He checks his phone "oh shit.. I have work today I totally forgot" he says then looks at me. I give him a sad look.

"I know, I know. I don't want to leave you beautiful, but I have to or else my boss will bitch at me" he says.

"Yeah.." I say sadly.

He kisses my forehead again and smiles "I can stop by after work when I'm done if you want me to"

"Yeah!" I say smiling.

He chuckles then stands up "okay I will, I'll see you then" he grabs his keys and walks out the door.

I hear someone knock on my door and I run over and answer the door expecting it to be Gavin, but who I see makes my heart drop, Chris. His devilish grin sends chills down my spine and I feel my legs get weak.

"Hello again Nikki" he says and chuckles.

"C-chris... Go away." I say terrified.

He walks closer to me and I back away. I don't want him to hurt me again, what if he decides to kill me this time? He can do anything, I can't stop him.

He grabs my wrist tightly "come here Nikki I just want to talk, I'm not going to hurt you."

"Thats bullshit get away from me" I try pulling my wrist away from him but he his grip on me is too tight.

"Listen here you little bitch" he says and his eyes glow crimson red. Before he can say anything else I see Gavin walk in.

"Whats going on? Nikki who is that?" Gavin asks.

"Chris" I say.

"Oh you're the fucker who hurt her?!" Gavin says angrily.

Chris lets go of me and slams Gavin against the wall "she's mine. I would advise you to stay the fuck away from
her" he growls.

Suddenly Gavin's eyes turn red also. My eyes widen, Gavin's a vampire too?! Gavin pushes Chris off of him and he punches him knocking him to the ground."

"She's not yours, and you're going to pay for what you did to her" Gavin says and kicks him in the stomach and Chris lets out a groan before standing back up and they continue fighting.

I stand there not knowing what to do. I know I can't stop them, and if I try to do anything I'm going to get hurt. I'm too scared to say anything, its like I'm frozen and unable to do anything.

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