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(AN: I just realized I never put a picture of what Madison looks like on here, so I know this is super late but this is what she looks like, better late than never I guess)

-A few weeks later-

I'm inviting Madison and Kayla over, this is the first time they're going to meet. I'm excited because I feel like they're going to get along well. I hear a knock on the door and answer it and its Madison.

"I can't believe you're friends with the girl Gavin cheated on you with, that has to be awkward isn't it?" She doesn't even say hi, how typical of her.

I smile a little bit "it was sort of awkward at first, but that feeling went away fast."

"Oh, cool" she smiles "im glad she was chill about this and didn't try to beat your ass or anything!" She laughs.

"Yeah you're right"

We walk in the living room and watch tv as we wait for Kayla to show up. It's not too long before she shows up.

"Holy shit, she's cute" Madison whispers to me. I look at her and laugh a little.

"Hi! You must be Madison, I'm Kayla."

"H-hi.." I'm surprised Madison doesn't say more, she's usually really talkative.

"Ah, you're shy I see" she says and giggles a little "that's cute."

Madison turns bright red and looks away "yeah, hah, I'm shy."

Madison likes her, that's pretty obvious. The longer they talk to each other Madison starts to talk more. I just sit there and watch Madison be really awkward, I Haven't seen her like this in a really long time. The last time I saw her have a crush on someone was in high school, which was a few years ago.

Just like I thought, Madison and Kayla get along great. We all hang out for the whole day and watch The Office on Netflix, my favorite show right now.

After they both go home I lay in bed and continue watching the office. I decide today is just going to be a lazy day, I order some pizza and watch Netflix the whole day.


The next day I start to get ready for work, I get in the shower then change into my work clothes. I put my hair in a bun and get in my car to go to work.

When I get to work I check in and go to the grooming station. A lot of dogs come in today, I'm not complaining though I love dogs.

When I finish work I clean up my station and go home. I walk in my room and my phone starts buzzing, I look at my phone and someone tagged me on a post on Instagram.

I look at it and see Gavin tagged me in a post. Its a long post about... me.

"So many of you know I was in a relationship with this beautiful women Nikki. She is a cheater, she cheated on me and broke my heart" what the hell is he saying!?! He cheated on me, this is bullshit! "I loved her with all of my heart and this bitch cheats on me. She has shattered my trust. Hope you're reading this sweetheart, fuck you."

I comment on his post "Gavin what the hell are you saying you cheated on me!!"

People I don't even know are commenting calling me a liar and telling me I should own up to things when I do them. I throw my phone across the room and I put on a jacket and go for a walk to get my mind off of this shit. I can't fucking believe he has the audacity to call me a cheater. Why would he do this, what is he getting out of this?

Out of no where, some girl walks up behind me and grabs my shoulder. I turn around and she punches me in the face, hard. I'm so surprised by this I just stand there and she hits me again, this time hard enough to knock me to the ground.

"How dare you do that to Gavin! What is wrong with you!!!" She says before kicking me in the stomach.

"I-I didn't cheat on him he chea-" I say before she interrupts me.

"You fucking ugly whore!" She says and repeatedly kicks me.

I try getting away but she grabs my leg, digging her nails into my calf making me bleed and I scream out in pain. She pins me down and repeatedly hits me. She's unnaturally strong, I suspect shes a vampire just like Gavin.

This is it, this is how I'm going to die. She's going to kill me. I stop fighting back, I can't get away, I can't stop her. I close my eyes and tears stream down my face.

Suddenly she's lifted off of me and I open my eyes and see Kayla, looking pissed as hell, her eyes red. She's a vampire too? She goes after the girl and scream at her and slaps her so hard she flies across the street. Kayla runs over to me and picks me up.

"I'm taking you to the hospital its going to be okay sweetie I promise"

She runs with me over her shoulder to her car and I'm just staring off into the distance.

"You're going to be okay, you're going to live I'm not going to let you die." A part of me didn't want to live, a part of me wished Kayla never showed up to save me and left me to die. I feel blood running down my body and I start to feel weak. My vision goes black.
I wake up in a bed that isn't mine, I look at my body and see a lot of IV's in me, I'm in the hospital.

"Oh good you're awake.." I look over and see Kayla "I told them a wild animal attacked you.. telling them a vampire attacked you is a little crazy" she gives me a sympathetic smile.

Not long after the nurse comes in and looks at her clipboard then at me "hello ms. Cameron, how are you feeling?" I shrug "well, you some stitches, that animal got you good. We're going to keep you here today and tomorrow to see how you're doing before we release you, just to make sure you're okay to leave."

"Okay" is all I say and look out of the window.

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