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When I get up the next morning I have to work today so I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom and take a shower. Once I'm finished, I wrap a towel around me then go to my bedroom and get some of my work clothes out of my closet and put them on.

Once I've finished drying my hair and doing my makeup, I put my shoes on, grab my car keys and phone, then head out of the door. I work at a pet store kind of place that's in my town and I love animals so it's the perfect place for me to work.

When I get to the place I work, I park then I walk inside. I'm a dog groomer so I go to the part of the store where I work at. No ones scheduled to come for another 30 minutes so I sit down and scroll through social media on my phone.

I hear footsteps coming towards me but when I look up I don't see anyone.

"Hello?" I say and get up and look around but I see no one. I sit back down, but now I feel paranoid like someone's here.

After a while a women walks up with her dog and she looks at me and smiles "I'm here for the appointment I made."

I smile back "okay" she gives me the dogs leash then she pays for the appointment she made then I take the dog back and wash and cut the dogs hair. While I'm finishing up I see something move out of the corner of my eye. I'm the only one working over here right now so I look over to see if someone's there, but I see no one so I go back to the dog. Once I finish I take the dog back to the lady and she thanks me and walks away.

The rest of my shift is the same, people bring their dog to me and I wash the dog and cut its hair. Near the end of my shift a man dressed in all black walks back to where I am. He has long black hair, grey eyes, and skin white as snow.

"Hello" he says and smiles "do you know where I can find the area for dog food?"

"Of course, it's down this isle over here" I say and walk over to the isle where the dog food is.

"Thank you" he says and looks at me, he looks at me like he's analyzing me.

"Is there anything else you need?" I say and try to smile. The way he's looking at me is making me start to feel uncomfortable.

"No, thats all"

"Okay" I say and walk back over to the where I was. I catch the man looking over at me and when I look up he looks away. I check the time on my phone to see how much time I have until my shift ends. My shift ends at 5:30 and its 4:46 right now. Luckily I don't have that long. I mess around with apps on my phone to pass the time.

When its finally time for me to leave, I get up and grab my things and wait for the next person to come. The girl that is suppose to be here next shows up a few minutes later then I get up to leave. As I'm walking out of the store I see the man I saw earlier out of the corner of my eye. Freaked out I walk faster to my car. I hope that this is just a coincidence and he isn't stalking me or anything. I pull out my phone to text Dalton. 

Me: Hey, do you think I could come over?

After a few minutes he doesn't answer, I guess he's busy right now, so instead I text Madison. 

Me: Wanna hang out at your place? 

She replies almost instantly.

Madison: Yeah of course. When?

Me: Is now okay?

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