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The next morning I wake up to the smell of something cooking and Gavin isn't in bed. I walk into the kitchen to see Gavin cooking and I smile.

"Good morning babe" he says and smiles.

"You cooked breakfast for me?" I say smiling really big.

"Of course I did, I love you" he says.

"I love you too! Thank you so much you're the best" I say with a big smile on my face "what did you make?"

"Pancakes and bacon" he hands me plate of food and theres already syrup and butter on the table. He sits next to me with his food and we eat breakfast together.
Later that day me, Gavin, and Madison are all hanging out together at my house.

"Ugh I'm such a third wheel" Madison says.

"Stop complaining, you'll find a girlfriend someday" I say.

"Girlfriend...?" Gavin asks looking at my curiously.

"I'm lesbian" she says.

"Oh, sweet" Gavin says and smiles.

"All the girls I meet are either straight or in a relationship." Madison says and sighs.

After a while Madison calls me into the kitchen.

"Okay so" Madison whispers "don't you think its suspicious that every time Gavin gets a text he turns so you can't see his phone..?"

"I didn't notice he was doing that.." I say surprised.

"I'm not saying he's cheating on you but... It just seems weird ya know?" She says.

"Yeah.." We walk back into the living room and I suddenly get sick to my stomach. What if he is cheating on me? I shake my head. He wouldn't cheat on me...right?

Now that Madison pointed it out I'm noticing that he is turning away from me or making it so I cant see his phone when he gets texts. I get really paranoid and I want to ask him but I feel like he would get mad at me if I asked so I don't.

For the rest of the time I try getting my mind off it and watch tv or talk to Madison. Gavin doesn't talk much the whole time. It just makes me think he's doing something he doesn't want me to see even more.

When everyone leaves I go into my room and lay down and I start crying. Just thinking about Gavin cheating on me makes my heart ache. It seems like the tears never stop, am I not enough for him? Is that it? Am I not a good girlfriend? Hell, what am I saying, I don't even know if he is cheating. I could be getting all worked up for nothing. I sigh and close my eyes and try to sleep.


I lay in bed feeling guilty. I don't want to hurt Nikki, I really don't. But I also don't want to hurt Kayla. I feel like such a horrible person for doing this. I can't tell them, I just can't hurt them. I cant just leave one for the other, I love them both equally. I know I'm going to have to choose one day, I just can't do it, not today.

Nikki hasn't texted me since I left the house, what if she saw that I was texted Kayla and didn't want to say anything?


I get out of my car the next day and walk into the salon. I'm getting my hair dyed half grey and half black. My roots were growing out so I thought it was about time I got it dyed again.

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