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Daltons funeral was a few days ago. Like any other funeral, people were crying and it was depressing. His death was "unexplained." I know Chris probably did it, but how would I say that? No one would believe me if I said a vampire killed him. I don't even know for sure if he did it or not. I get out of bed and put on some clothes then get in my car.

It's night time and I have nothing else to do so I head out to one of the clubs in my town. Once I get there I sit at the bar and order a drink.

I look beside of me and theres a man sitting two chairs down from me and he looks oddly familiar. He's looking a different direction so I can't see his face.

The bartender brings me my drink and I take a sip of it. I know drinking isn't the best way to cope with things but fuck it, it helps me forget the shit thats going on in my life right now. As I'm sitting there the guy looks over at me and smiles.

"Hey Nikki! I haven't seen you in a long time. We use to work together remember?"

I look over at the man and recognize him immediately. We use to work together in Hot Topic but when I stopped working there we lost touch.

"Oh yeah, hey Gavin. How have you been?"

"I've been okay. I heard about Dalton, I'm sorry, I know you guys were close. I was going to go to the funeral Saturday but I couldn't make it." him and Dalton were friends also. I know they hung out a lot and went to a lot of concerts together they were pretty close.

"Yeah, I'm sorry too, I know you two were good friends."

"What bothers me the most about is how they don't know how he died." he says "it's weird."

"Yeah.." I say and take another sip of my drink.

Me and Gavin talk for most of the night and catch up. He works at a restaurant now and he's the chef. I didn't know he could cook but I guess he can.


"It's getting pretty late" Gavin says looking at his phone.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Almost 12"

"Well shit" I say and laugh "I didn't realize it was that late."

"Yeah haha, do you think I can get your number so we can keep in touch?" he asks.

"Of course" I say and smile.

He hands me his phone and I put my number in his phone and put my name as Nikki and add a few emojis after it then hand it back to him.

"Thanks" he says and smiles.

Me and him talk for a few more minutes then say goodbye to each other then I get in my car and drive home.


Lately me and Gavin have been texting a lot. We're going to hang out later today but until then I'm hanging out with Madison.

"Oh yeah, I remember Gavin" Madison says "You, Dalton, and him use to at Hot Topic together didn't you?"


"Does he know about Dalton?"

"Yeah" I say sadly.

"How is he taking it?"

"He seems okay from what I can tell"

"immediately you're going on a date with him later today?" she says and grins.

"It's not a date, we're just hanging out." I say and laugh.

"If he still looks like he did when you worked with him, he's pretty cute. I approve of him" she says and smiles stupidly.

"Madison" I say and laugh "shush."

"But..but.. fine" she says.

After a few hours I go home to get ready to hang out with Gavin. I jump in the shower then I put on a hoodie and jeans. I do my makeup and put my hair up in a bun then I grab my keys and phone then head out of the door.

Me and Gavin decided to go to an oriental restaurant.

"What are you going to get?" Gavin asks me.

"Probably sushi" I answer "What are you getting?"

"Uh.." he says and looks at the menu "probably teriyaki chicken or something" he says and looks at me and smiles.

The waitress comes over and takes our order, I get a Philly roll and he orders teriyaki chicken.

"So what do you do for fun?" he asks.

"I play guitar" I say.

"Oh really?" he says and smiles at me "thats cool, how long have you been playing?"

"About a year now"

"You have to play something for me sometime"

"Okay, sure" I say and smile.

Our waitress brings us our food shortly.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Gavin asks and takes a bite of his food.

"No, do you have a girlfriend?" I ask.

"Nah" he says and smiles but I can tell theres something he's not saying. He quickly changes the subject after that.

The rest of the time we sit at the restaurant getting to know each other better.

"I'll see you later" Gavin says and smiles then he walks to his car and I do the same.


"You guys went to a restaurant? So it WAS a date!" Madison says and squeals "where did you guys go? How did it go? Tell me everything!"

I tell Madison what restaurant we went to and how it went.

"How cute! You two should date, would you date him?"

"Uh, I don't know" I say, I blush a little, it's a good thing I'm talking to her on the phone or else she would point out that I'm blushing and make a big deal out of that.

"He seems like a nice guy, you should think about it"

"Hah, okay" I say "well, I'm going to go get ready for bed I'll talk to you later."

"Okay bye" Madison says then I hang up.

The picture above is what Gavin looks like. What do you think Gavin isn't saying when she asked if he had a girlfriend? Do you think he's lying or hiding something?

Also I'm REALLY sorry about the slow updates. I'm having a little trouble finding time to write. I'll try to update when I can.

Also, my other story, Seems Like Forever, is at 4k now thank you so much!

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