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When they finally release me, Kayla takes me home and I look out of the window the whole time. Why is Gavin doing this? I must deserve this some how. Kayla pulls into my driveway and She gets out and walks over to my side and helps me out and walks me into my house and to my bed.

"Get some rest, I'll be back later to check on you" she smiles "you need anything before I go?" I shake my head, she walks out of my room and I hear her close the front door. I look at the nightstand and see the medicine the doctors gave me for the pain, I sigh and look away.

I lay in bed for the remainder of the day and watch tv. Kayla comes later with pizza and we hang out for a while.
It's been a few days and I'm feeling a little better, I can get up and move around now.

Madison hasn't seen me since this happened, I'm not even sure she even knows this happened. I text her explaining what has happened recently and ask if she wants to come over. She replies with "on my way now."

When she gets here she doesn't even knock, she opens the door and walks in.

"I cannot BELIEVE the nerve of that douche bag!" Her face is red with anger "I should kick his ass!!"

"Please don't Madison" I don't want her to get hurt, she wouldn't stand a chance against him or his friends.

"Fine. I don't want to cause more drama in this. Man I thought this shit ended after high school."

"I just don't understand why he's doing this.." I say.

"He's just jealous because he lost such a beautiful women."

"I don't know.." I say and look at the ground.

She walks over and hugs me gently so she doesn't hurt me "its okay, everything will be okay."

"Thank you Madison, I love you so much."

"I love you too, I'm always here for you" she smiles "thats what best friends are for, right?"

"Yeah" I say and smile a little.

Madison stays at my house for the rest of the night, we watch tv then pass out together.

The next morning Madison has to go do something so she leaves and I take a shower and make breakfast.

My boss is letting me take a few weeks off to heal up before I come back to work so I don't have work today. I make myself a cup of coffee and sit on the couch with my food and coffee and watch tv.

Someone knocks on my door and I get up and make my way over to the door. As I open it my heart drops as I see Gavin's face. He looks at me and smirks.

"Hah. You look like shit, what happened to you?" He says sarcastically and laughs.

"Why are you doing this.." I ask and try to keep tears from forming in my eyes.

"I want to ruin your fucking life. I hate you. I just wanted to see what damage she did to you. She's my best friend, she cares about me so much. Unlike you."

"What are you talking about Gavin? I loved you so much. You're the one who fucking cheated on me." I feel tears run down my face "I didn't do shit to you!" I scream at him, he doesn't seem phased at all.

"I have all of my friends believing you cheated on me, no ones going to believe you. If I were you I would just kill myself. No one would care anyway. Everyone hates you."

Before he says anymore I slam the door in his face and lock it so he can't get in. I walk to my room crying, I lay in bed and put my face in my pillow and scream. Why is he doing this?! Why me?

My phone buzzes. Hesitantly, I pick it up. Just like I suspected its Gavin.

"You won't get away from me. You can never escape me."

I don't answer, a few minutes later he texts me again.

"With those stitches on you face you're really ugly. You're never going to find someone who's going to love you now, just kill yourself." 

I go to the bathroom and look at myself, I start crying as I see all of the stitches and bruises, I can barely recognize myself anymore. Maybe he's right. How could someone love a face like this, how could anyone even be friends with me?. I grab my phone and text him back "you're right." I grab a bottle of pills from my cabinet and pour them out in my hand.

I won't even have to see Gavin again, I'll finally be free. He won't be able to hurt me anymore. I shove the pills in my mouth and fill a cup I had in my bathroom with water and swallow the pills.

I won't have to feel pain anymore, I won't have to deal with all of this shit anymore. I'm going to be free. After a few minutes I already begin to feel weak, I sit on the cold tile floor of my bathroom and curl up sobbing.

Its finally going to be over, its finally over. I repeat in my head. He can't hurt me anymore, it's all over now.

My vision fades, my breathing becomes slower and slower, I can feel my body getting colder. I smile slightly just before I go completely unconscious.

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