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"She's going to wake up, I know it." Kayla says and smiles.

I look over at Nikki, wishing she would wake up already. I've known her for so long, when she was younger she went to a psych ward for how bad her depression got and she wouldn't tell me everyday about how she just wanted to go home and kill herself, but she was doing so much better. Why didn't she tell me it was getting bad again?

"I looked on her phone, there were messages between her and Gavin. He was telling her she should kill herself, I'm pretty sure thats why she did this.." Kayla says.

"What?!" I can't believe it "he did..? I knew he was an asshole but.. not that much of an asshole."

"The police are looking into it, hopefully he will go to jail for this."

"He better go to jail." I tear up and Kayla hugs me.

"It's going to be okay Maddie" I love the nickname she gave me, surprisingly no one has ever called me that. I smile a little.

"I hope so." I say.

Me and Kayla go back to her house after sitting in the hospital with Nikki for a little while. She drives us to her house and we sit on the couch and watch The Office to distract us from being sad.

I have a big crush on Kayla, I'm not sure if she knows or not. I sort of hope she doesn't know but at the same time, I want to be in a relationship with her. She dated Gavin so she probably isn't into girls, fuck.

Kayla yawns and cuddles up to me "do you mind?"

"No, not at all!" I say and smile and start blushing.

We end up cuddling after awhile. I feel my heart beating fast, I haven't liked someone in such a long time, and she is probably straight. I wonder if she can feel my heart beating so fast.

"you know" Kayla says and looks at me "I know this is probably a bad time, but I think I like you, a lot. Not like a friend."

"W-what? You do? Oh my god. I like you too"

She smiles a little "really? I was scared you were straight, or didn't like me back."

"I thought you were straight..."

"Nah, I'm bi" she says.

"Nice... so now what?"

"Want to go get coffee? My treat."

"Sure!" I say and get up. Me and Kayla walk out of the house and she drives to a coffee shop. When we get out and we start walking towards the coffee shop and Kayla interlocks her fingers with mine. I feel butterflies in my stomach and I smile and look over at her and shes smiling at me, blushing a little.

We walk in the coffee shop and order our coffee then sit down at a table near the window. This is perfect, she's perfect. The more we talk the more I feel like I really like her.

We sit in the coffee shop for hours after we finish our drinks just talking. I happen to glance out the window and see its dark out.

"Wow, we've been here awhile." I say and look at her.

She looks out the window also "huh, we have haven't we? Want to go back to my house or something?"


We get up and leave the coffee shop and she drives to her house. When we get to her house we sit on her couch. Kayla suddenly has a weird look on her face.

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