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I knock on Nikki's door, no answer. She hasn't answered my texts for a few hours and I got worried and came over to her house, I open up her door and walk in.

"Nikki?" I start walking to her room "I haven't gotten a text back from you and I got worried.." as I make my way to her room, I see her bathroom light is on. I walk in and see Nikki's body on the floor.

"Oh- oh my god, Nikki.. are you okay?" I walk over and put my hand on her, she's cold.

"No, Nikki...no no no no.." I see the empty bottle of pills on the counter and  I pull out my phone and call the police.

"Hello officer, my.. my friend attempted to kill herself, I-I don't feel a pulse"

The ambulance shows up and rushes her to the hospital, I don't leave her side, I get in the ambulance with her and stay by her as they wheel her to the hospital room.

I can't believe she did this, I didn't see a note. Did Gavin make her want to do this. I'm going to kill that mother fucker if he did.

I wait out in the waiting room impatiently waiting for the doctors to tell me if she's okay or not. I hope I didn't find her too late.

After what feel like hours, the doctor comes out and gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Well, theres good and bad news. She's alive but she's in a coma. We're doing everything we can for her."

"Thank god shes alive" I say.

"You can come see her now"

I get up and he guides me to the room. I try my hardest not to cry, its hard to look at her. "I, I can't believe this" I say quietly to myself.

After a little bit I thought I should tell Madison about this, its the right thing to do. I walk out of the hospital and dial her number.

"Hey Kayla Whats up!" She says cheerfully. I feel bad that I have to tell her this and make her unhappy.

"Hey Maddie, I.." I pause for a second "god its going to be hard to tell you this, Nikki attempted to kill herself earlier today. I went over to her house and found her."

"What!? Oh my god, I was just at her house today and she seemed fine, why'd she do it?"

"I don't know, there wasn't any note. She's in a coma right now, so I can't ask her anything."

"What hospital are you at?"

I tell her what hospital and she tells me she's on her way and we hang up and I go back to the hospital room.

I'm sitting in a chair when Maddie walks in and she starts bawling her eyes out. I walk over to her and hug her and she buries her face in my neck and sobs. I rub her back trying to comfort her.

"I can't believe she didn't tell me anything, we tell each other everything."

"I'm so sorry Maddie.." I say not knowing what else to say.

I walk her to the chair and we sit down.


A few days later I hear a knock on my door, when I open it I see two guys.

"Hello, are you Kayla? We're with the police department, can we come in and ask you a few things about Nikki?"


We walk in and sit on the couch.

"Do you know anyone or anything that was bothering her enough to make her want to attempt suicide?"

"Well, she has an ex named Gavin, and he cheated on her, with me actually, thats how we met and became friends. But he has been giving her a really hard time lately and maybe it was really bothering her."

"I see" he pulls out a phone "this is her phone, do you possibly know her password so we get in and look for evidence?"

"I think she told me it once" He hands me the phone and I put in what I think her password is, and it works. The last thing she was on was texts between her and Gavin.

"Oh my god.." I feel my face turn white and I look up at them and hand them the phone. He looks down at the phone.

"Well, it looks like Gavin encouraged her to attempt to kill herself, we need her phone for evidence if we want to put him in jail."

Me and the men talk for a little while longer then they leave. As soon as they leave I get up and punch my wall, putting a hole in it. It took everything I had to hold back my anger. That son of a bitch convinced Nikki to kill herself, made her feel so bad about herself and made her want to do that.

I get in my car and drive to Gavin's house. Angrily, I walk up to his door and open the door.

"GAVIN!" I scream and look around. He walks out of one of his rooms and looks at me confused.

"The fuck are you doing here?"

"How DARE you say those fucking things to Nikki??"

He laughs "did she show you? Was she crying?"

"No. The police showed me, after she was taken to the hospital for attempting to kill herself."

"She actually tried to kill herself? Wow I didn't think she had the guts" he laughs more.

"What the fuck is wrong with you. How do you not feel bad that you drove someone to kill themselves?"

"You both fucked me over. I'm getting my revenge."

"What the hell are you talking about!?! We got revenge on you for cheating on us! Did you forget you did that?"

"Well she's the one who actually went through with killing herself, thats not my fault."

"You are such an asshole!" I slap him and he grins.

"Aw, now why did you have to go and do that?" His eyes turns red and he grabs my throat.

I kick him in the balls and he drops me and I slam his head in the wall, leaving a big dent in the wall.

"I fucking hate you." I spit on him and walk out of his house before anything else happens and drive home.

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