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I'm so stupid. What was I thinking? I hurt the two women in my life that I loved. Kayla left right after Nikki left. I don't even have the guts to try to reach out to either of them. I don't feel worthy of talking to either of them. I realize that I've been staring at a wall for who knows how long. I groan and walk into my bedroom and fall down onto my bed.

The next day I can't take it anymore, I have to go apologize to her, I want her back. I get out of bed and get in my car and drive over to Nikki's house and knock on her door. When she opens the door I see her facial expression go from happy to sad.

"Nikki, I have know you don't want go see me, I just needed to say I'm sorry" I say sincerely.

"No, shut the fuck up, you cheated on me, you clearly didn't give a shit about me. Leave my house, now." I can tell she's getting really mad, I decide that I should just leave.

"Fine, I really am sorry though. If you choose not to believe me that's on you" I say then walk back to my car.

I drive home defeated and walk into my house. I guess I can't blame her for being mad at me. I would be mad if someone cheated on me. I sit on my couch and watch tv attempting to take my mind off of this.


I can't believe he had the audacity to try and come and talk to me. I walk into my room and hear my phone buzz on the night stand and I pick up my phone and see I got a Facebook message from someone named Kayla Smith.

Hello, I am the girl that Gavin was also dating the same time he was dating you, I was wondering if you would like meeting me somewhere to talk about this and maybe it will help both of us if we talk about what happened together :)

I respond to her message.

That sounds great! When and where would you like to meet?

I sit on my bed and wait watch TV as I wait for a reply from Kayla. She doesn't take long to reply. We're going to meet at a nice little coffee shop in town tomorrow. I'm sort of scared, I'm a really paranoid person and I overthink things, and for some reason I think she is going to do something bad tomorrow. I try to push that thought aside because I know that isn't going to happen, I know she has good intentions.


The next day I start to get ready to go to the coffee shop. I throw on a grey sweater, blue jeans and some black boots. I head out of the door and drive to the coffee shop. When I get there I walk in and look around, I didn't really get a good look at Kayla the night I saw her, I was too overwhelmed by what was going on. I look around and see a goth looking girl with dark blueish hair. I take a guess and say that's Kayla.

"Are you Kayla?" I ask as I walk over to her.

"Yep" she says and smiles, I take a seat across from her.

We talk about Gavin for a while, it feels good to let all of this out. We find out from talking that he did the same things to both of us, being distant and secretive with what he was doing. I'm really glad that I have someone to talk to about this.

"you know what we could do that could be fun?" she says and grins.

"What?" I ask.

"Catfish him and invite him out to dinner and we both meet him at the restaurant."

"Ooo I like that, lets do it."

"Okay, you want to make an Instagram and catfish him there?"

"Yeah, I can set it up, you find the pictures of the person you want to use."

I make an Instagram page and Kayla starts putting pictures of a girl she found on it.

"Should we message him now?" I say and look at her.

"Do you think he will notice that we posted all of the pictures today and be suspicious?" she asks.

"Nah, he's pretty dumb, he won't think about it"

"Oh yeah, you're right" we both laugh, I think this is the start of a great friendship.

We start off by commenting a heart face emoji on one of his pictures, then we DM him.

Hey! I just wanted to say you're really cute :)

A few minutes pass and he answers.

Thanks, so are you.

We continue to talk to him, being really flirty with him. He flirts back a little but not much. We eventually ask him to meet us somewhere and he agrees. We look at each other and smile, we got him.

She asks for my phone number so we can keep in touch and know when we're going to meet him. We leave the restaurant and I head home.


I get a text from Kayla the next day.

We're going to meet Gavin today around 12 at the same little Cafe we met at yesterday, you don't have any plans today do you?

I text back.

I'm totally free today, see you there ;)

We're going to get to the coffee shop around 11:30 so we can make sure we're there before him and we can talk about what were going to do. I get in my car and drive to the coffee shop and see Kayla sitting at the table closest to the door. We sit down together and talk. We wait for Gavin to walk in, we see his car pull up and he walks in.

He sees us then awkwardly looks away and looks around for the girl we catfished him with. He looks really confused.

"Hello Gavin" Kayla says "we've been expecting you!" We both stand up and look at him.

"What are you talking about.." he still hasn't put two and two together.

"Are you that dumb?" I say "we catfished you, theres no girl coming to meet you."

I see his eyes turn red, I look over ay Kayla, she doesn't look scared at all. She must know he's a vampire. I look over at Gavin again and he looks pissed.

"Gavin do you really want to do this in front of all of these people?" She says and grins.

"You're both bitches, fuck you." He storms out of the coffee shop and we laugh.

"That was fun! Did you see the look on his face?" Kayla says laughing.

"He was so mad! I was a little scared!" I  say.

"Yeah, that was just to scare us, he wouldn't do it, defiantly not in front of all the people here."


"I'm gonna go get a coffee, you want anything?"

"I'm fine" I smile and she goes  up and gets a coffee. We chat for a little bit longer then I go home.

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