Chapter 11: The Homecoming

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The sun came streaming in through Wilburs window, he woke up to the bright rays blinding him, he got himself dressed and went down to breakfast

Tommy mother and Phil were all there already, Tommy chattering on like usual and Phil and Kristin listening

"Good Morning Wilbur" Kristin said to her son with a smile

"Morning mother" Wilbur said as he sat down this time sitting straight in his seat and not slumped over like he was the day before and grabbed a plate

Wilbur Tommy and mother all started talking about how their day had been so far, Wilbur had said something that made Tommy's laugh turn into a hard wheeze, which made his sore back hurt once he was done with his laughing fit

Phil was just listening to his family, he wasn't going to bring up the class again for right now, right now everything was ok and he wasn't going to be the one to ruin it

They sat at the table for probably thirty minutes just talking, until one of the guards came in to talk to Philza

"King Philza there is someone here to see you" the stern man said with a trace of fear across his face

"Well tell them to wait" Phil said as he went back to listening to his family

"Sir I don't think this can wait" the man looked into the kings eyes, he was very afraid of whoever was at the castle

"Alright I'll go, I'll be right back" Phil said to his family following the guard out the door

They walked down the hall and they got the the door to the courtyard "well who is it?" Phil asked

"Sir you'll have to see for yourself, he's over by the training pavilion" The guard told the king

Phil walked around the corner of the castle to the training pavilion

He saw someone he'd never thought he'd ever see again even in his immortal life, he stood there paralyzed by the person who was standing in front of him

"Technoblade?" Phil said utterly thunderstruck and paralyzed in his place looking at his pink haired son who was standing a mere twenty feet away from him in the shade of a willow tree, so many things came flooding through his mind my son he's home! Why is he here? What else did he do?

Emotions of joy and fear flooded Philza all in a matter of moments

"Hello Philza" Technoblade said in a monotone voice with his arms crossed he didn't call his father by 'father' but by his real name, Ranboo was standing next to him in formal attire a black suit and a red tie and a sword on his hip, Techno looked no different except his clothes they were brand new, a white formal puffy shirt, his red fur lined cape, and his brown slacks, and a crown- the same crown he had when he left, and his hair was in a braid like normal his style hadn't changed at all in the nine years he had been gone

Philza was every confused, happy emotion you could think of he couldn't even speak he was so overwhelmed

After a few moments of silence and hearing the birds chirp Phil was finally able to speak

"What- why-" Phil took a moment to gather his words then before he could speak again Techno spoke for him

"Why am I here? Well that's something that needs to be told in private" Techno said with his arms crossed as he answered his own question

Phil nodded still stunned and hoping this all wasn't a dream, it sure felt like one, he couldn't tell if it was about to turn into a nightmare or not, but knowing Phil's luck it would probably be a nightmare

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