Chapter 27: The Cave

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(A/n this is within closer to the end of the week from the last chapter, I hope that makes sense, onto the story!"

"We are only about a day out- as long as the weather holds" Drista shouted looking at the dark clouds that were above them, it was extremely cold out, so the rain that would come from the dark ominous clouds would no doubt turn to snow, the ground underneath them was frozen snow that had melted than froze over the night before, it crunched under their feet

The group nodded, Tommy had a big black coat on, protecting him from the cold wind, Wilbur had a thick brown trench coat on a red loose fitting hat to keep his hair from flying in his face in the frigid wind, and several layers, the others didn't need much the elements didn't really bother gods

They'd put the horses in a stable in a nearby village where they wouldn't freeze in the cold, the village was miraculously still standing- considering it was so close to the Life gods lair they wouldn't have been surprised if it had been burnt to ashes.

Wilbur and Tommy were standing very close to each other, to keep each other from falling over in the harsh wind and to keep warm

Techno's red fur lined cape whipped in the violent wind even though it was fairly heavy, his pink braid following suit, he had to put his crown in his bag so it wouldn't fly off his head

The wind was to strong for Philza to fly so he was walking at about the same pace as Techno, being parallel with him, Tommy and Wilbur walking a little behind them, He would look behind himself every couple minutes to make sure his sons were still walking and not frozen in place, he wore a black cloak that whipped in the wind

Drista was a while ahead of them, her hood kept flying off her head so she just stopped putting it back on, her blonde hair blew in the frigid wind, her face was covered by her white mask partly to prevent the wind from hitting her face

They walked for what seemed like hours only hearing the crunch of the frozen snow under their feet, and the chattering of Wilbur and Tommy's teeth

Phil looked back at the two boys- mere mortals in the freezing, frigid tundra- a godsforsaken land

Tommy looked as if he was completely relying on Wilbur to walk, he'd probably collapse if Wilbur moved to fast-

Tommy stumbled on a thick piece of ice and fell to the ground, "Tommy- Tommy get up" Wilbur said as he went to his brothers side, it seemed to be the breaking point for him, his eyes closed and he wasn't waking up, dark circles were under his eyes, he was so sleep deprived

Phil heard Wilburs pleas and turned to see what the commotion was, he saw Tommy on the ground and sprinted to him

"He just tripped and collapsed" Wilbur said worried to Phil as Phil tried to wake his son up

"Phil?" Techno asked from afar he didn't know what the problem was, he walked over and saw his little brother lying on the cold ground

"Oh dear gods" Techno said looking at his little brother, Phil pulled his young son to him, he quickly took off his black cloak and wrapped it around his son, he picked him up and carried the boy close to his chest hoping his body heat would warm him up some

"We need to find shelter now or he won't make it through the night" Phil said hastily, he held his son very close to himself

Techno nodded, Wilbur just stood looking at his little brother, he wasn't nearly as cold as him but he was getting close, Phil looked hastily around scanning for a cave- or abandoned house- something where they could make a fire and get him warm

Drista walked up, Techno saw the worry on her face grow, "I think there's a cave that way-" she said quickly as she pointed in the direction of a hill that had a dark spot in it

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