Chapter 14: The Training

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Technoblade stood waiting in the training pavilion, It was still dark outside for the most part, the sun hadn't graced them with its presence yet, Techno stood waiting for Tommy in darkness not that the darkness bothered him he was used to running around in the dark

He heard footsteps and turned quickly to meet them, it was Tommy he held a lantern so he wouldn't trip over a rock or maybe a disguarded weapon, Techno stood looking at his very tired brother, even though he was tired he still came to train, he was to tired to ask about what had happened the day before

Tommy walked up to the training pavilion he yawned and stretched with one arm the other held the lantern that was dimly glowing, "hey Blade" he muttered sleepily as he walked over to the chest that contained his weapons, he noticed something was off about Techno today even through his sleep deprived eyes and the dark of the morning he could see that his throwing knives were gone, he always had them on him now he only had the dark sword that he had when he came

Techno just stood and watched his little brother grab his sword from the chest and he set the lantern down on top of it, it gave off enough light for them to see each other and the ground

Tommy took his position he was still tired his eyes felt heavy, Techno would make sure that he wouldn't stay that way, Techno came running at him he never said a word, he came down on Tommy's sword he wasn't holding it very tight due to the fact that he was still very tired, Tommy's sword slipped from his hand and Techno held back, if he hadn't he couldn't easily killed his little brother

"Sorry Techno it slipped" Tommy said bending down and grabbing his sword he was now awake he had a hint of fear in his voice- even though he knew his brother would never hurt him

"If I didn't have control of my blade I could've just killed you" Techno said sounding like he was scolding his young brother, "I'm sorry I was tired" Tommy said making excuses, Techno shook his head, Tommy didn't know if it was disappointment or annoyance, knowing Techno it was probably both, "excuses won't help you in the battlefield" Techno said to his little brother, again Tommy noticed that same emotion he heard earlier he still couldn't tell if it was disappointment or annoyance

Tommy figured he wouldn't prod at his older brother anymore, that was unlike him but Techno seemed on especially edge today so he just stood in his corrected position his sword now held steady, "Hold onto your sword like your life depends on it, because one day it might" Techno said in an authoritative voice to his little brother, Tommy held tight to his sword as his brother said and the next time Techno came at him he didn't drop it.

This went on for about and hour till the sun came up and peeked through the trees, like it was saying hello to the sleeping world, Tommy was exhausted by the time the lesson was over breathing heavily sitting on the floor of the training pavilion, Techno didn't even seem fazed by the work not even breaking a sweat

"Technoblade we have to go" Techno heard his other brother say as he walked up, Techno looked over and saw his brother, he had a quiver of arrows on his back and a bow in his hand, Techno nodded "our lesson is over Tommy I'll see you later" Techno said to his little brother who was still breathing very heavy, but he quickly caught his breath, he stood up and asked, "can I help?" Tommy asked excitedly, "no Tommy you know dad doesn't want you to" Wilbur said responding to his little brother, "it's not like I'm going off to war I just want to watch my big brothers at work" Tommy said as he attempted to guilt trip his brothers with a whiny voice, it didn't work, "No Tommy you know Phil doesn't want you out there so No" Techno responded to the whiny blonde, Tommy grumbled annoyed at his big brothers

"We'll see you later" Wilbur said to his little brother who had an annoyed look on his face, "bitch" he muttered under his breath, it was loud enough for Wilbur to hear, "child" Wilbur said as he shook his head, as he and Techno walked out to the village center

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