Chapter 31: The Curtain Call

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Quick A/n this chapter is the longest of all my chapters - being 6661 words long I hope you all enjoy the last chapter!

Dream and Phil fought in the underground lair, again neither one gaining any ground, "how'd it feel Philza?" Dream asked the two circled each other- both taunting the other, Phil made no response to the Life gods prodding, "how'd it feel to lose everything you love to your mortal enemy" Dream smiled sinisterly, Phil ran at him in complete and utter anger

Phil sneered at Dream through steel and Dreams green blade, "ah have I struck a nerve?" Dream said in a cheery voice pushing Phil back anger laced his face- with no trace of remorse.

"Is that the whole reason you-" Phil paused and pondered his next words- they were once again circling each other unconsciously, "you killed her- to strike a nerve?" Phil said with a shudder as he watched the emotionless white mask

"Maybe- maybe not-" Dream smiled, his smile visible below his mask- his dusty blonde hair now revealed because his hood had been tossed off his head, "I know your plan didn't work - and you couldn't protect your own wife from me- she must be so disappointed in you" Dream said, shooting an arrow with his words- he watched it strike true- right into the Angel of Deaths heart.

Phil lip curled in anger- his hand gripped his swords hilt with all the fury in his aching heart, Phil ran at him once more- they held that position for a while- before Dream got bored, "I think it's time for a change of scenery" Dream smiled as he snapped his fingers- they disappeared from their spot in the large dark room- the others not even noticing they were gone.

They appeared outside a few feet above the snowy ground- Dream caught himself gracefully- Phil not so much. Phil picked himself up off the ground and grabbed his sword up off the snow, "where did you take us?" Phil asked still angry as he looked around the white tundra

"Outside, I needed a breath of fresh air" Dream said taking in a big exaggerated breath the cold air filling his lungs, and letting it go, letting a large white puff of breath leave his mouth, "ah refreshing" Dream smiled as he looked across the barren tundra- cold and unforgiving much like him.

Dream looked over at Phil who was fuming with anger, "what Philza, do you not like the new scenery?" Phil's grip on his sword tightened, "no I'm tired of you screwing with my life- I cut you out of it a long time ago yet you still inch your way back in- destroying everything I've built along the way" Phil answered with heat behind his voice.

"But screwing with people and destroying things is fun- you used to think so- before you went soft, Angel of Death" Dream snapped his name in a condemning manner, Phil thought for a moment before responding, thinking about his next words very carefully, "I never went soft. I just learned that destroying peoples lives isn't fun- I just wished you had learned the same" Phil said to the god standing about ten feet from him- though Dream and Phil were both ancient, Phil was treating him like a child who was being reprimanded and about to be disciplined for his years of transgressions, even if he didn't realize it- Dream did.

Dream thought for a moment, something flickered in Dream- even behind his mask you could see it. Though Phil couldn't pinpoint the emotion.

"You make it seem as if you can 'save' me from my treachery against this world" Dream said

Phil looked Dream up and down- never seeing a flinch from the Life god, "No I know I can't save you" Phil shook his head slightly, "I figured that out a long time ago. I just wish you wouldn't abuse your powers and destroy peoples lives" Phil said with a hint of sadness behind his voice- though trying to mask it.

"Philza I have a question for you" Dream said, changing the subject though was he really?, "why do you think the universe chose us to be gods?" Dream asked- seeming very genuine almost like he actually wanted the answer to his question.

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