Chapter 17: The War

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The day had come, the troops were ready, well ready as they could ever be, Tommy and Kristin were at the castle being guarded, Techno, Phil, and Wilbur were in the field they were to be fighting alongside the townspeople they had trained

Phil's crows had told him how far the army was, they had only a couple hours, and it was already almost dark and it was cloudy it seemed as if the universe was upset at this just like everyone else.

Techno walked up next to Wilbur he stood looking out over the peaceful plains that would soon be filled with the stench of death and blood , "you ready?" Techno asked Wilbur, Wilbur looked worried, Techno was stoic as usual he'd destroyed plenty of kingdoms, this was the first war he'd been in- probably the first of many, Wilbur shrugged at his brother he was still dazed and entranced at the thought of death, the people he trained- his people dead, "you'll be ready, when the time comes you'll be ready" Techno said to his little brother who seemed still very worried, "don't worry I won't let anything happen to you" Techno smiled at his little brother who let a hint of a smile creep up his face then it disappeared, it was silence for a moment before Phil walked up behind his boys "we should go over the plan one more time" Phil said to his boys, they nodded in response and walked into the tent

They went over the plans one last time, Wilbur started to get more nervous, Phil and Techno had no reason to be nervous the most they'd get is some new scars and they were used to that, Wilbur on the other hand could die and the two knew that, they just didn't know what to do about it.

They walked out to the campsite where all the townspeople were, and Phil started to speak, "My people, we are gathered here today to fight for our kingdom! For our lives! We must be confident we will win!" Philza finshed and cheers erupted from the crowd, then they heard it- even over the cheers, the drums Techno turned to see where they were coming from, it was from the forest.

"We have to go now!" Techno yelled the people started to grab their weapons Techno lead them down to the plain, Wilbur lead his archers to the ridge where they would stay for the battle, Ranboo came running they had already supplied the people with potions, Techno saw his friend coming with a handful of potions, "Techno take this!" Ranboo said throwing a bottle of glowing red liquid at him, Techno caught it easily and looked into the bottle and looked up at Ranboo confused, "what's this for" Techno asked as he looked at his friend who unsheathed his sword, "Emergency" Ranboo responded hastily, Techno clipped the potion to his belt for later use

Phil looked at Techno with a look that seemed to say, 'don't lose control' Techno just nodded in response

Wilbur was up one the ridge with the archers his bow at the ready, they watched as the birds flew from the trees as the dreaded army walked through the forest, Wilbur looked down at his father and Techno waiting for the signal

Philza watched as they emerged from the forest, he held his hand up to halt the people from moving without his command, Techno waited for the signal from his father Ranboo standing next to him

Phil's hand was up for what felt like eons, the thousands of people behind him silent the only sound that was heard was the drums, it felt like it was a heartbeat it was rhythmic, almost- soothing if it wasn't for the fact that it meant war.

Techno pulled his sword out of its sheath as he watched the troops get closer, he looked at his father who just watched the army that was closing in his hand still in the air

The army kept on getting closer, do it now, do it now Techno thought, At that moment Phil gave the signal and the army charged towards Dreams army


Techno ran ahead of the army his red cape seemed to be just a blur to anyone in the distance, Techno cut down the first couple troops with ease, blood spilled on the ground, blood, easy more the voices echoed Techno tried not to give in, but it was so- easy the killing felt natural to him, like it was a dance he knew by heart, like a song he'd sung a thousand times before, his sword went through several more armored soldiers with no hesitation.

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