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Ella sat in the staffroom. Her head was a mess over what Kenzie said and she had no idea what to think over it all.

Ella looked to see cal as he walked into the room and smiled as he looked to her

"I have been looking for you are you okay" cal asked as Ella looked to him and smiled as she ran her hands through her hair

"I guess so. I don't know. Kenzie said that she thinks Charlie is our father and i don't know what to think. My mum said they go back and I can see how close they are. I don't know what to think" Ella said

Cal took a hold of her hand and smiled "it's normal to be upset. Your confused over everything there going on and it's big. It's a big bombshell and I know that your confused over what's going on but you deserve to know the truth" cal said

Ella looked to him and smiled. She knew that he was right but she knew that finding out the truth over all of it would change everything and she wasn't sure if she was prepared for it all. It was a mess

Ella found Kenzie as she stood in the hallway. She looked to her sister and smiled "do you really think it's true that he is our dad. I mean we had a dad and he walked out on us" Ella said as Kenzie nodded

"For a reason what if this is the reason look at them. Look how close they were and that's not just old coworkers" Kenzie said as she looked to Claire and Charlie who stood across the room.

Ella knew that Kenzie had a point and she didn't know what to think and she knew that her mother and Charlie had worked together all of those years ago

Ella knew just how hard that things were and how she didn't know what to think over it all and it scared her. Ella looked to the two of them and sighed

"I'm too pregnant. I'm too tired and hormonal for this. If mum wants to keep secrets then let her" Ella said as Kenzie looked to her sister and smiled. She knew that she didn't want to put Ella through any stress

"It will be okay.loo whatever mum is hiding we will find out eventually" Kenzie said as Ella looked to her sister and smiled.

Ella just hoped that she was right

Ella walked over to where Claire stood outside of the ED. She looked to her mum and smiled

"What's going on with you mum" Ella asked as Claire looked to her daughter and frowned

"What do you mean" Claire asked as Ella looked to her and sighed

"I mean I know that it's hard at the minute but you are my mum and i know when you are lying. When you keep something from me which is why I need to ask. Charlie what is going on? Is he our father?" Ella asked as Claire looked to her daughter and frowned

But could she tell her the truth?

Sleeping with my best friend *Casualty*Where stories live. Discover now