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Ella knew how her head was a mess over hearing Charlie was her father. She didn't know what to think. She hated how she had been lied to her whole life.

She knew how her mum had kept it from her. But she couldn't help but feel like there was something more going on.

Like Claire was keeping something else from her. And she didn't like it. She just wanted to know everything that was going on.

She hated being kept in the dark. It drove her insane.

all she knew was that she wasn't giving up until she had found out what was going on. No matter what it took.

When she woke that morning, she climbed out of bed and saw Cal. He was sitting on the sofa. "Morning."

"Hey baby," Cal said as he pulled her down onto the sofa.

Ella cuddled into him. She smiled. "I'm not in work until this afternoon. So I'm going to go see Kenzie and the baby."

Cal laughed. "She's a week old and they don't have a name for her. Do you think we'll be like that?" He said.

Ella shrugged. "I don't know. I think they should name her Elle. Like her auntie Ella. The best auntie she could have," she joked.

Cal rolled his eyes and smiled. He kissed her lips gently and looked to her. "You are amazing. You know that?"

"I know."

Ella arrived at Iain's. He let her in. She smirked as she saw the bags under his eyes. "Little lady keeping you up?" She teased.

"She's like her mum. Loud."

"I heard that asshole," Kenzie said as she came into the hallway. She smiled. "Come to begin aunty duties?"

Ella nodded. She smiled and walked into the living room. She saw her newborn niece asleep in her chair. "Oh she's adorable. Do you have a name for her yet?"

Kenzie shrugged. "We like one or two."


"Maddie-Belle. Or Lexie."

"I like Maddie. Name her Maddie. But change the Belle to Bella. That way Bella & Ella."

Kenzie rolled her eyes but smiled. She nodded and looked to Iain. "You happy with that?"

"I'm glad to not call her baby."

Ella went into work. She saw Claire with Charlie and walked over to them. "Whispering? Anyone would think you're hiding stuff from us still," she said.

Claire looked to her and rolled her eyes. She shook her head. "No one is keeping anything else from you. I promise," she told her.

Ella nodded and sighed. She wasn't convinced. "Well Kenzie named the baby Maddie-Bella. I was there. Look. I think we all need to have a talk about everything that's happened," she said.

Cal walked into the staffroom. He saw Ella and walked over to her. "You okay?" He asked as he kissed her.

Ella nodded and smiled. "I'm good. Just sick of people keeping secrets," she said as she looked to him.

Cal held her close and smiled. He sighed. "I'll never lie to you. I love you more than you could think."

"I love you too."

The two of them kissed passionately. Neither aware of how more secrets were about to tear them apart. But would they survive?

Sleeping with my best friend *Casualty*Where stories live. Discover now