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Soda's POV

I hear the door slam and I figure somethings wrong. I walk into the laundry room where I last saw Bree and see my wallet in the floor. I bend down and slowly pick it up, I open it slowly and see an old picture of me and Sandy. Oh shoot! Lordy I'm in trouble now.

I take a deep breath and run my hands through my hair and begin to pace. She's going to be so mad at me. I wonder where she is or who's she's with. For once, I hope she decided to go see Dally because at least with him I know she's safe. Darry's at work so I know she's not with him. I can not believe she just ran out after she saw that stupid picture. I slowly take the picture out and stare at it for a moment or two. I know I made the right decision marrying Bree, I sigh and replace it with one of me and her. I remember the moment so well, it was the night I finially got enough courage to ask her out to the movies. The picture was of us sitting together, her head on my sholder and her dark green eyes sparkling.

I was grinning like an idiot. I take a deep breath and run my fingers over the picture, remebering all the good times we had while we were dating.

I walked out of thelaundry room, I noticed that everything was eerily quiet. Sandy was usually watching tv or something but everything was quiet.

"Sandy?" I call

No awnser.

"Sandy?" I try again

Still no awnser.

I walk up stairs and suddenly I am grabbed and a needle is in my skin. Before I can scream or anything my whole body relaxes and my eyes drift shut.

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