Well that JUST happened.....

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I circled around Sandy, ready to take her down. I smiled when I remembered a few pressure points I could hit. While I was calculating where exactly to hit her, another figured emerged from the shadows.

Immediately recognizable in his dark blue jean jacket and his soul piercing brown eyes, there stood Dallas Winston. Soda's dark blue eyes flamed with anger, as he edged closer to Dally. Oh this wasn't going to go down good. I must have starred slightly too long for my opponent decided to do a cheap shot and grabbed my hair and yanked my head back before nailing me in the eye with a ring on her finger. She didn't hit too hard, but that ring made it hurt so much worse, however pain was just a feeling, and you could block out feelings. Resisting the urge to grab my throbbing eye, I turned around and grabbed her fist, which was coming to repeat the hit to my other eye, and got a firm grip on her arm and flipped her over my shoulder. She hit the hardwood with a loud thud, she screamed in shock and agony, I smiled. My satisfactory was cut short, because she got up. I groaned in exasperation, and hit her in the nose, while she grabbed it I brought a swift kick in the ribs, succeeding in the task of knocking her out.

Soda's eyes glowed with pride, but was quickly returned to the burn of anger.

"What are you doing here? Prostitutes don't take early calls?" Soda said, his eyes narrowing in spite.

" Nah, just came to see how you were treatin my girl." Dally said in a cool voice, but I could tell there was something brewing behind that calm mask.

" YOUR GIRL?!" Soda squeaked in disbelief

"Yeah, My. Girl. What word don't you understand? I mean I shouldn't really expect too much from you, cause you were a drop out and all..." Dally trailed off, his cocky smirk grew.

" I had to help pay the bills and provide for my family...but atleast I don't waste my money on prostitutes." Soda hissed back.

Dallys smirk was replaced with a frightning scowl.

"You really should'nt have said that.." Dally said, popping his knuckles.

I finally regained control of my legs and ran over there, I forced my way between Soda's and Dally's body's. I whispered in Soda's ear

"It ain't worth it." He calmed down immediately and nodded.

"Looks like your already with a whore." Dally said as he flipped his collar.

I couldn't quite grab Soda in time to stop him from lunging at Dally. He nailed Dally in the jaw, shattering it no doubt. Dally crumbled to the ground, holding his jaw in agony. 

"Don't you ever say that about her, ya hear?" Soda yelled, while he continued to kick Dally in the ribs. I knew he had to be pissed to kick a man while they were down.  I pull him back aand wrap my arm around Soda and said three simple words to Dally.

" I hate you."

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