CHAPTER TWO; second chance at first line

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| y/n's pov |

JUST AS I was walking towards the lacrosse field to watch Scott and Stiles practice, I was dragged away by the said boys (well, Stiles) and taken to the boys locker room.

I noticed almost immediately that something was wrong with Scott.

"What's going on? Scott, are you oka--"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" He growled, cutting me off. I grabbed onto Stiles's arm and pulled him back as Scott moved closer and closer, climbing on top of the lockers.

As Scott climbed up to the cement beams up on the ceiling, Stiles and I ran in the direction of the door. But, instead of leaving, Stiles grabbed the fire extinguisher that we had just bumped into and started spraying Scott with it when he jumped down at us.

When the extinguisher ran low, Stiles grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door and into the hall. We pressed our backs against the wall and listened in to see if Scott was coming after us or not.

"Stiles?" His voice was quiet as he spoke. "Y/N?"

I poked my head around the corner and Stiles and I slowly inched back into the room.

"What happened?"

Stiles let go of my hand and threw his gloves onto the floor. "You tried to kill us." He leaned down in front of Scott. "It's like I told you before. It's the anger, it's your pulse rising. It's a trigger."

"But that's lacrosse. It's a pretty violent game, if you hadn't noticed."

"Well, it's gonna be more violent if you end up killing someone one on the field." Stiles stated. "You can't play Saturday. You are gonna have to get out of the game."

"But I'm first line."

"Not anymore."


I SAT IN front of my laptop and waited for it to load. Scott, Stiles and I were meant to facetime.

Once it loads, I find Stiles pretending to shoot a toy gun at his camera.

"What'd you find out?" Scott asked.

"Well, it's bad. Jackson's got a separated shoulder." Stiles answered.

"Because of me?" Scott freaked out.

"Because he's a tool."

"But is he gonna play?"

"Oh, they don't know yet. Now they're just counting on you for Saturday."

"I mean, it's Jackson. Wouldn't be surprised if he does play anyway." I said after Scott sighed.

I then furrowed my eyebrows as Stiles moved closer to the camera, squinting his eyes.

"What?" Scott asked and that's when I saw it too. A dark silhouette of a man standing behind Scott.

"Y/N! Can you please help your brother?" My dad called from downstairs, but I just continued staring.

"Yeah, one sec!" I called back as Stiles started typing.

It looks like

The first message sent through and Scott's screen glitched a little, his Wi-Fi always sucks.


"I said one second, dad!"

CAN I CALL YOU TONIGHT?; stiles stilinski x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now