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| y/n's pov |

I STOOD WITH Stiles at the bottom of the rock climbing wall while we watched Scott and Allison until Scott fell.

Coach sat down on the mat next to Scott while everyone laughed.

"McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy. Right?" He chuckled before looking back. "Alright, next two. Stilinski, Erica, let's go. The wall."

Stiles turned his head towards me and smiled before heading over to the wall.

I watched Stiles as he climbed all the way to the top and then slowly dropped himself down while Erica was only halfway up.

When he reached the ground, Stiles raised his arms in celebration, looking right at me as he smiled. I shook my head and started moving forward, but my attention was taken away from Stiles by Erica, who I looked up at as she started hyperventilating.

Coach and the rest of us all huddled around, myself stopping beside Stiles and grabbing onto his hand.

He didn't seem to mind. He kept looking up at Erica, but squeezed my hand and linked our fingers.

"Erica. Dizzy? Is it vertigo?" Coach asked.

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear." Lydia informed Coach. "She's just freaking out."

"Erica." Coach called up to her.

"I'm fine." She responded, shakily.

"Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic." Allison said, and Coach looked to her with a puzzled look.

"Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff?" He asked before looking back up to Erica. "Erica, you're fine. Just... Just kick off from the wall. There's a mat to catch you. Come on."

I felt really bad for Erica as I watched her gripping onto that wall for dear life. Then she slowly and carefully let go and dropped down beside Coach.

"See, you're fine. You're on the ground. You're alright." Coach somewhat comforted her. "Shake it off. You're fine."

Some kids in the class were laughing at her and I shot the girl beside me a dirty look.

Then we all went off to the change rooms. Except Erica wasn't in the girls' room with the rest of us.

"I feel really bad for Erica." Allison spoke first, and I nodded in agreement.

"Some people are just really horrible. It wasn't her fault if she was afraid." I said, switching my gym shirt for my normal one.

We then got back to the gym to see Scott catching Erica as she fell from the rock climbing wall.

We all ran over, Stiles, Allison and I dropping next to them.

"Put her on her side." Allison ordered. "Put her on her side."

Scott did so while Erica continued to writhe and gasp for air on the ground.

"How'd you know?" Allison asked and I looked away from Erica and up at them.

"I just felt it." Scott replied.

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