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| y/n's pov |

I WAS SITTING in a chair beside Stiles, who was lying across two and asleep, in the hospital waiting room, and his legs were thrown over my lap.

After we checked Lydia's bite and found out it wasn't healing, I tried to hang around the hospital whenever I could. I was worried.

I gave Stiles a look as he snored, muttered and kissed the air. What a weirdo.

Stiles kissed the air again as the janitor came and took away the trashcan beside him, which woke him up. I pat his legs so he would move them off of me.

"Hey." He grinned at me.

"Hey. Did you have a nice sleep?" I asked sarcastically.

He looked down at his shirt. "It was jawsome."

I couldn't help but snicker. "Nice one."

"Thank you." He paused. "You hungry?"

"Not really. Thanks though."

Stiles shrugged. "Suit yourself."

He stood up yawning and walked around the corner to where I knew a vending machine stood.

There was a loud crash just a few moments later.

I got up out of the chair, knowing Stiles had probably broken something. But then someone screamed.

"Lydia?" I recognized immediately and ran towards her room.

"What the hell was that?" Melissa asked as she and Lydia's dad both ran into the room with me. I pushed past them and towards the bathroom where I could hear running water.

It was as I looked around the room I realized Stiles was there too. Lydia, however, was nowhere to be seen.

Melissa turned off the running water and I turned my head to the open window.

"She's gone."


"ALL RIGHT, LET'S get an APB out on a 16-year-old redhead." Sheriff Stilinski said to one of his Deputies. He turned back to Melissa and Lydia's dad. "Any other descriptors?"

I stepped forward. "Uh, she's 5'3", has green eyes, fair skinned and she always tells me 'her hair is actually strawberry blonde.'"

Stiles nodded along beside me.

"Is that right?" Stilinski asked.


"You two, come here." He took a few steps away and Stiles and I joined him. "What the hell are you two still doing here?"

"Lydia's my friend and I'm worried." I stated, the Sheriff looked at Stiles.

"Providing moral support?"

"Uh-huh. How about you provide your ass back home, where you should be." He spoke to Stiles.

"Okay, I can do that too."

"Definitely." I nodded along.

As Stiles and I walked down the hall, I noticed the boy eyeing the smashed vending machine on the ground beside us.

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