CHAPTER SEVEN; night school

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| y/n's pov |

"LOCK IT, LOCK it!" Scott exclaimed once the three of us made it inside.

"Do I look like I have a key?" Stiles asked, panicked.

"Grab something!"

"Grab what, Scott?" I snapped back.

"Anything!" He said.

Stiles then scrambled up to his feet and looked out the door's window. Scott and I stood up too and looked down at the bolt cutters lying discarded by the bottom of the stairs.

"No." I said, looking over at Stiles.

"Yes." He replied, patting my shoulder.

"Stiles, no, don't." Scott protested, but he already had the door open.

He stepped out and carefully closed the door behind him. Stiles stood at the door for a moment before walking down the stairs and leaning down go grab the cutters.

The Alpha then came creeping out from behind Stiles' jeep and my eyes widened in fear.

"Stiles!" I called out to get his attention. "Stiles, come back!"

"Come back, come back!" Scott joined in, smacking the window. "Stiles!"

Stiles turned his head and after seeing the Alpha now running towards him, sped up the stairs and back inside. He put the two handles of the bolt cutters in the doorhandles to keep the door closed.

The three of us peered out the two windows, looking for the Alpha, which had seemingly vanished.

"Where is it?" Scott asked. "Where'd it go?"

Stiles grabbed his flashlight and shone it out the window. The carpark seemed empty, apart from Derek and Stiles' cars.

We took a few steps back from the door, panting.

"That won't hold, will it?" I looked from the door to Stiles at Scott's question.

"Probably not." Stiles replied.

We turned around and looked down the dark school hallway. There was a howl and we ran down the hall and into the closest open classroom door.

"The desk." Scott pointed and started pushing it towards the door.

"Shh! Stop, stop." Stiles put a hand out at Scott. "The door's not gonna keep it out."

"I know." Scott sighed.

"It's your boss."  Stiles blurted.


"Deaton, the Alpha? Your boss."


"Yes, murdering psycho werewolf."

"That can't be."

"Oh, come on. He disappears, and that thing shows up 10 seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air?" Stiles shrugged. "That's not convenient timing."

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