CHAPTER TEN; co-captain

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| y/n's pov |

STILES AND I ran through the school to the boys locker room to find Scott.

"Scott, dude!" I started when we made it to the room where he was sitting on a bench in nothing but a towel.

"We have a huge problem." Stiles rushed his words after.

"A super huge problem." I agreed.

"Trust me, I know."


STILES PULLED UP next to where Jackson stood with Chris Argent next to his Porsche.

"Yo." Scott waved out his window.

"What's up?" Stiles yelled from his side.

"Is everything okay?" Scott asked.

"Hey, Scott." Argent smiled. "Your friend here was having car trouble. We're just taking a look."

"Wow." Stiles nodded.

"You know, there's a shop right down the street." I said, leaning forward and poking my head between the boys. "I'm sure they'd have a tow truck."

"Yeah. You want a ride?" Stiles offered.

Scott opened his door.

"Hey, come on, Jackson. You're way too pretty to be out here all by yourself." Stiles stated.

Jackson started walking up to the Jeep and Scott got out to let him sit in the back with me.


"Hey, kids." Argent got our attention as he walked to the drivers side of Jackson's car and turned on the engine. "Told you I knew a few things about cars."

The four of us then watched as he walked over to his own car and drove away.

"What, are you following me now?" Jackson questioned angrily the moment Argent left.

"Yes, you stupid freaking idiot." Scott snapped, unintentionally closing the door in my face. I climbed out after Stiles on his side and we met the other two around the car. "You almost gave away everything right there!"

"What are you talking about?"

"He thinks you're the second Beta!" Scott exclaimed.

"What?" Jackson asked.

"He thinks you're me!" Scott slammed his fist into the side of Stiles' car.

"Dude, my Jeep." Stiles whined.

"I could hear your heart beating from a mile away, literally! Now he thinks that there's something wrong, and now I have to keep an eye on you so he doesn't kill you, too!"

Scott went to go hit Stiles' car again but Stiles ran forward and grabbed him just before he could.

"Okay, okay, okay. How about we just step away from Stiles' Jeep?" He suggested, pulling Scott away.

"You know what, this is your problem, not mine, okay?" Jackson spat. "I didn't say anything, which means you're the one that's gonna get me killed, okay? Okay, this is your fault!" He pushed Scott into the Jeep.

"Can we stop hitting my Jeep?" Stiles lifted his hands, annoyed. He then stood in between the two boys and had a hand on both of their chests. "Yo, all right, yo, guys, stop. All right?"

"When they come after you, I won't be able to protect you." Scott looked at Stiles and I. "I can't protect anyone."

"Why are you looking at us?" Stiles asked.

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