CHAPTER FOURTEEN; shape shifted

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| y/n's pov |

"IT WAS KIND of like a scent. But I couldn't tell who it was." Scott said to Stiles as they both sat down on the bench in front of the bleachers where I was sat.

"What if you can get him one-on-one?" Stiles asked. "Would that help?"

"Yeah." Scott nodded.

"Okay. I think I got an idea." Stiles ran off.

"Jesus, when Stiles has ideas I don't know whether to be glad or worried." I said to Scott and he laughed.

"Yeah, but you have a huge crush on him, so it doesn't matter."

"Shut up."

"Hugeeee." Scott drew out the syllables and I rolled my eyes.

"Shush, he's coming back."

Stiles came running over with the goalie gear.

"I told Coach you're switching with Danny for the day." He explained.

"But I hate playing goal." Scott told him like he forgot about what we were talking about immediately.

"Remember when I said I had an idea?" Stiles said. "This is the idea."


"There we go."

"What's the idea?" Scott asked and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I seriously don't understand how you survive without me sometimes." Stiles shook his head.

Coach blew his whistle. "Let's go! Line it up! Faster!"

Scott took his place in front of the goal and the rest of the team lined up nearby.

"Make daddy proud."

Coach was so weird.

As the first boy started running to the goal, Scott sprinted at him and knocked him over. Scott helped him up and as he did so, he sniffed him. It wasn't very subtle either.



"Usually the goalie stays somewhere within the vicinity of the actual goal."

"Yes, Coach." Scott jogged back to the goal, only to repeat what he did with the first boy after Coach blew his whistle.

Matt flipped as he flew through the air before crashing onto the grass.

"The hell, man?" Matt groaned as Scott smelled him.

"My bad, dude."

"McCall! The position's goal keeper. Not goal abandoner."

"Sorry, Coach."

Number 28 was the next to go.

Coach grabbed the side of Stiles's helmet and seemed to ask him something.

Danny was after 28.

After knocking him down, Scott not-so-subtly sniffed him.

Coach blew his whistle. "McCall! You leave that goal one more time and you'll be doing suicide runs until you die. It'll be the first ever suicide run that actually ends in a suicide. Got it?"

"Yes, Coach."

Jackson moved from the front of the line and walked over to the bench.

Now number 14 was at the front of the line and he seemed to be breathing rather aggressively.

Watching this kid, I knew something was up with him. This was who Scott was looking for.

Coach's whistle went off again and he threw the ball to 14, who caught it and started running. I sat up and watched as he and Scott ran at each other. They collided and both landed facing one another.

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