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| y/n's pov |

"CALL IT AGAIN." Scott said and Stiles and I groaned.

"It's not here." Stiles told him. Scott jumped up and started searching his bed for the tenth time. "So you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one?"

"I can't afford a new one." Scott sighed as he checked under his bed again. "And I can't do this alone. We have to find Derek."

"Well, A, you're not alone. You have us." Stiles stated, gesturing between us. "And B, didn't you say Derek walked into gunfire? He sounds pretty dead."

"Yeah, well he looked pretty dead that night at the school, but he was alive then." I reasoned for Scott.

"Argent's plan was to use him to get to the Alpha. They're not gonna kill him." Scott checked his closet.

"All right, so then just let them do what they're planning, you know?" Shrugged Stiles. "They use Derek to get Peter, problem solved."

I was hit in the face by a pair of Scott's jeans he sent flying.

"Not if Peter's going after Allison to find Derek!" Scott exclaimed and I threw the jeans onto the floor. "I can't protect her on my own. Which means we have to find Derek first. Just... Just help me."

Scott scrambled around his room more.

"Scott, you probably lost it when you two were fighting." I said.

"Yeah, you know, when he was trying to kill you? After you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson. Are you starting to see a pattern of violent behavior here?" Stiles finished the gist of what I was saying.

"He wasn't going to kill anyone." Scott said. "And I'm not letting him die."

"Could you at least think about letting him die? For me?" Stiles pleaded.

Scott made a face. Not at Stiles, though. At something else.

"What?" I asked.

"My mom just got home from work." Scott replied.

I watched as Scott stood closer to his window and listened. Judging by his facial expressions, something was up.

"Is she okay?"

Scott shook his head in response.

"What's she doing?" Stiles asked.


Scott moved and sat down on his bed.

"Scott, you can't protect everyone." I told him.

"I have to."


"NOTHING'S WRONG. I just have a lot on my mind." Allison said to Lydia and I as we went up the Macy's escalator. I hadn't hung out with them in a while, so when Lydia invited me to go Winter Formal dress shopping with them, I gladly accepted.

"You could smile, at least." Lydia told her. "Ever heard of the saying 'Never frown. Someone could be falling in love with your smile'? Smile, Allison. I'm buying you both dresses."

"Yeah, thank you for that, Lydia."

"I don't even have a date." I groaned. "I'm gonna be alone forever."

"Now, now, Y/N. Why would you be going alone when there's someone who I know would sell his soul to go with you." Lydia said as we stepped off the escalator in the usual sweet tone she puts on.

CAN I CALL YOU TONIGHT?; stiles stilinski x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now