The Moment of Truth

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*The next day*

Y/N woke up ready for another day at the dojo. He did his morning routine, got dressed into his white gi, put his normal clothes in his sports bag, ate breakfast, got into his car and drove to the dojo


When he arrived, he parked his car, went inside and saw Mr. Kreese talking to Aisha and Hawk

"You gotta understand that Mogadishu in the '90s was a hellhole." Y/N hears him say to Aisha and Hawk as he went to sit next to Miguel, stretching. "Warlords controlled whole swaths of the city." he continues. "My team and I were charged up with cleaning the place up." he finishes.

"How many warlords did you kill?" Hawk asks intrigued.

"You keep track of every ant you stomp out?" Sensei Kreese counters.

Miguel and Y/N scoff at this

"No offence, but is this guy serious?" Y/N whispers to Miguel

He just shrugs his shoulders

"Whoa." Aisha replies in wonder.

"Badass." Hawk says smiling at him.

"They were outgunned, we were outmanned." he resumes his story. "I tell you... Rwanda was no joke." he finishes.

Miguel and Y/N stand up, because he was wrong

"Don't you mean Somalia?" Y/N asks him giving him a questionable look.

"Mogadishu is in Somalia, Rwanda's a whole different country." Miguel adds.

Kreese turns around to look at them. He stays quiet and turns back around to Aisha and Hawk

"Of course, Somalia." he tells them chuckling. "I've spent so much time in the sandbox, it all kind of bleeds together, you know?" he says to them trying to convince them.

Unfortunately, they trust his story. Y/N starts to have his doubts about this guy

"Listen up!" Sensei Lawrence suddenly yells. "I see we got some new recruits." he says.

The new students start to murmur between each other

"Everybody, fall in." he says as everyone started to fall in. "In neat rows and lines." he clarifies.

Once everyone fell in, he looked at everyone

"Time to see what you're made of." he tells the class.

He walked between some students

"Straighten up, ginger twins." he says to 2 guys with ginger hair who were probably brothers.

Suddenly he saw a big guy in a blue shirt and a bandana on as he walked over to talk to him

"Sorry, parents can't stay for class." he tells him. "It's an insurance thing." he explains to him.

"I'm not a dad." the big guy says to him. "I... I am here to kick some ass, sir!" he tries to say confidently.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" Sensei Lawrence asks in a whisper to him.

The big guy started talking normally. "Oh yea, the, um... I sold you the mirror." he explains to him. "We kind of bonded, talked about rock bands." he says to him.

"Look, you're a little old. This is a class for teenagers." Sensei Lawrence tries to tell him.

"Well, I... I can take them." the big guy chuckles.

Son of the Boogeyman AU (Tory x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now