Nature Vs. Nurture

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Y/N woke up, did his morning routine, got into his car and drove to school

When he arrived at school, he parked his car and walked inside

When he walked inside, he saw security guards checking the students' school bags again

Y/N  walked to the tables of security guards to get his bag checked

"Bag." the security guard simply said. Y/N gave him his bag, so they could check it.

After a while of not finding any weapons he closed the bag and gave it back

Y/N didn't see any of his friends, so he just went to his classes

*Present time*

Y/N and the others of Cobra Kai had finished their school day and were at the dojo in their gis, lined up and listening to Kreese

"Life isn't always fair. Sometimes the world can be cruel. And that's why you have to learn to be cruel yourselves." Sensei Kreese explains to the class. "Weakness is unacceptable. The fight at the school was an embarrassment. You lost soldiers and you lost the battle." he tells the class.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Y/N thinks to himself.

"But you will not lose again. Diaz was one of our own. What they did to him, they did to all of us. And it will not go unanswered" Sensei Kreese tells the class. "We will show no mercy. We will show no weakness." he continues. "We will strike back and we will strike hard!" he yells out. "Is that clear?" he adds asking the class.

"Yes, Sensei!" the class yells out answering.

"I can't hear you!" he yells.

"Yes, Sensei!" the class yells it louder.


After practice, everyone was talking with their friends.

Y/N was watching Hawk give Bert some tips on things.

"Class." Sensei Kreese says announcing himself while walking outta the office with something behind his back.

"You worked hard today. So before you're dismissed, I have a little treat for ya." he tells the class.

"I wanna introduce you to a little friend of mine." he said while showing he was holding a little hamster.

"Cool. What's its name?" Bert asks Sensei Kreese.

"I don't know. What should it be?" he says to the class.

"Snow." Y/N suggests.

"Hawk Junior." Hawk suggests making Kreese chuckle.

"Bert, what do you think?" Sensei Kreese asks Bert.

"Umm..." he says starting to think. "Clarence?" he suggests.

"Clarence. Good. Here, take him." Sensei Kreese says to Bert giving him the hamster.

Bert takes him as he looks at it. "He's so cute, guys." he says looking at it.

A few students including Y/N chuckles at Bert's comment

"You know, it's almost time to eat." Sensei Kreese tells the class.

"Ooh, can I feed him?" Bert asks hopefully.

"No." Sensei Kreese states simply as he walks to something with a blanket over it. "But you can feed him." he adds as he removes it showing a snake in a cage.

Son of the Boogeyman AU (Tory x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now