No Mercy

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*The next day*

Y/N woke up, did his morning routine and went noticed his dad had already left for work. He went to his car and drove to his new school

After a while, he arrived at school, parked the car, got out and went to stand somewhere

He waited for Tory in front of the school and decided to text her "Tory, call me as soon as you can." as he looks at his phone.

He hoped and waited for a response or call from her, but nothing came

"Still nothing from Tory?" Y/N hears the voice of Aisha ask as he looks up and sees her.

"No, what about you?" he asks her hopefully.

"She won't text me back either." she answers him. "I'm getting kind of worried." she tells him.

"I couldn't even find her after the party." Y/N tells Aisha. "You think she got caught by the cops last night?" he asks her.

"I don't know." she answers him. "But missing the first day of school is not a good sign." she adds.

"Speaking of the first day of school." Y/N begins. "Could you help me find my class, cause I'm new to the school here?" he asks her.

"Sure, let's go." Aisha tells him as she starts to walk away and Y/N follows her.

Aisha brings Y/N to his class and then goes to her own class

Y/N sits down on a chair at a table as the school bell rings

He hears a sound go off and someone talking through the intercom

"Good morning, students and faculty. Welcome to a brand-new year at West Valley High. I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are ready to dice back into the school year." the intercom lady says through the intercom.

It goes on for a while as Y/N zones out a bit

"And finally, as we embark upon another academic year, it's important to remember to be tolerant and accepting of all our peers, regardless of--" the intercom lady says as they can hear a door open at her end as she starts talking to somebody else.

"Hey, what... You're not supposed to be in here! No! No!" the school hears the intercom lady say to someone as everyone looks up at the intercom.

The feedback of the microphone squeals a bit as some students cover their ears

"Give that back!" the intercom lady tells to the person in there with her. "Ow!" the school hears her say.

We then see it's Tory who took it

"You're not allowed to--" the intercom lady begins to say, but goes quiet when she sees the glare from Tory.

Tory presses the button, so the whole school can hear her

"Samantha LaRusso." she begins. "You know what you did, and now you're gonna pay for it." she tells Sam through the intercom. "I'm coming for you bitch!" she yells dropping the intercom, leaving the room and goes to look for Sam.

The school bell rings as everyone packs up their things

Y/N leaves his stuff, runs outta the classroom to find Tory and Sam to try and calm the situation down before it escalates

Tory and Sam circle each other as lots of students including members from the Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do Dojo watch them

Robby arrived behind Tory

"I saw what you did at the party." Tory tells to Sam. "You tried to kiss Y/N" she adds.

Lots of students mutter in shock at the reveal

Son of the Boogeyman AU (Tory x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now