The Good, The Bad, and The Badass

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*The next day after the incident we were all at the dojo as Sensei Kreese was talking to the class*

"The reason we learn karate is to show how strong and tough you are. And that no one can mess with you. The goal is to win at all costs. Those we thought to be our allies have turned against us. Now our enemies are attacking us from all sides. There is no turning back. Now is the time to show them that you're gonna do whatever it takes to defeat them and to win." He tells the class as we start doing kata's. "And that means I want you to finish it. For good." he continues to explain. "Do I make myself clear?" he asks the class seriously.

"Yes, Sensei." the whole class says loudly and full of confidence.

*The next day after that*

Y/N is at school sitting on a bench talking with Hawk, Edwin, Red and Dieter

As they're talking Hawk and Y/N sees Miguel looking at them as Hawk looks back at him while Y/N is glaring at him

"He's the enemy now." Y/N thinks to himself.

Miguel gives them a defeated look after seeing Y/N's glare and walks away

*After school they all go to the dojo and train hard*

After Sensei Kreese dismisses the class as Y/N checks his phone seeing a notification making him get angry and walks to Sensei Kreese's office.

Y/N knocks on the door. "Sensei. We have a problem." he tells him.

"And what might be the problem, Mr. Wick?" Sensei Kreese asks Y/N.

Y/N gives him his phone. "It says they're cancelling the All-Valley Tournament." he explains angrily while Sensei Kreese reads the notification on Y/N's phone. "It says the city council just up and pulled the permit." he states simply. "Some bullshit about not wanting to foster a culture of violence after the whole fracas at the school." Y/N says growling. "It wasn't even Cobra Kai's fault for how it ended." he adds. Y/N feels his anger rising and tries to calm down a bit. "But there is hope." he begins. "Apparently there's a community hearing." he explains. "You gotta go there, fight this and make sure the tournament is back on." he tells Sensei Kreese. "I wanna compete in this thing." he admits. "Ever since I heard about it, I've wanted to compete in it." he explains. "And I know I can win it." he says confidently.

Sensei Kreese stands up from his chair and gives Y/N's his phone back as he walks closer to him. "Don't worry, Mr. Wick." he says calmly. "You'll have your chance." he adds. "I know I'll be able to convince them to let the tournament keep on." he explains. "Now you go home and prepare yourself." he tells him.

Y/N nods, walks outta the office, gets changed into his normal clothes, grabs his bag, walks outside and sees Tory standing by his car

Y/N walks to her confused. "What's wrong Tory?" he asks his girlfriend.

Tory looks up and sees Y/N. "Oh hey." she says. "I just got a message from the probation office saying it's time for my review." she explains to him

"Oh okay, so what do you need me for?" he asks confused.

"Well, it's a really long way, I'm tired and I really don't want to take the bus." she tells him. "So could you give me a ride there?" she asks him hopefully.

"Sure, no problem." he states simply.

They put their bags in the trunk of the car, Y/N sits in the driver's seat while Tory is in the passenger's seat next to him as she tells him the address. Y/N types it in the gps and drives to the location

After a while they arrive as Y/N parks the car

"Do you want me to go in and wait for you while you have your review?" he asks his girlfriend wanting to support her.

"No, it's fine. It won't take long." she tells him. She looks at him with a genuine smile. "Thanks for suggesting it though." she says.

She gets outta the car and walks inside to do her review with her probation officer

While waiting Y/N just reads the news and thing on his phone. He doesn't know how long it's been when he suddenly sees Robby walking inside

"Oh, you gotta be shitting me." he tells himself in disbelief.

After waiting for a long time, Y/N starts to get worried something bad happened

He gets outta his car and walks inside, when he gets inside, he sees Robby and Tory talking

"What's going?" he asks them.

Y/N sees Robby closing his hand in a fist. "Take it easy, Robby." Y/N tells him calmly. "I'm not gonna fight you." he begins. "Depending on if you're going to join a dojo or not, you'll be my enemy, or you won't be." he explains. "So since, you're a neutral now. I'm not gonna do anything to you." he admits.

"Thanks, I guess." he says.

"It's not fair, you know." Tory says suddenly looking at Robby. "Everyone else got to go back to normal, but here the 2 of us are eating shit while your girlfri..." Tory explains pointing between her and him.

"Don't talk about Sam." Robby says cutting Tory of angrily.

"No offence man, but she tried to cheat on you with me knowing I have a girlfriend while I was just being nice and giving Miyagi-Do their medal of honor back." Y/N tells Robby.

"She made a mistake. Sam is a good person." Robby tells them defending Sam.

"Yeah." Y/N scoffs simply.

"She sure acts like it." Tory says mockingly to Robby. "Just wait, she'll turn on you." she says warning him.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Robby tells her.

"Then why are we both here?" she asks him rhetorically. "At least I know who I am." she says to him getting emotional.

Y/N seeing this holds her hand and strokes it softly with his thumb

"You're still pretending to be something you're not." Tory tells Robby plainly. Tory then glances at Y/N "Come on, let's go." she whispers to him.

They walk to the door as Tory suddenly stops and turns around to look at Robby

"On the section about home life, just check off 'stable'." she advises him. "They don't care. They never come to check." she explains to him.

They walk outta the office and to the car

Y/N sits in the driver's seat while Tory is in the passenger's seat next to him, Y/N drives Tory home

After some time, they arrive at Tory's apartment complex

They do their goodbye kiss as Y/N watches Tory till she's safe in her apartment

He then drives home, does his homework, eats dinner, watches some movies, does his nighttime routine and goes to sleep

He then drives home, does his homework, eats dinner, watches some movies, does his nighttime routine and goes to sleep

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Well that was it for this episode/chapter.

Hope y'all enjoyed it.

Have a nice day/morning/noon/evening/night.

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