Now You're Gonna Pay

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*It was a few days later and a Sunday*

By now everyone knew that Miguel had woken up

So Hawk and Y/N decided to go visit Miguel at the hospital

When we arrived at Miguel's room Hawk announced himself. 

"El Serpiente!" he exclaimed

He fell silent as he and Y/N saw Sam.

"I'm gonna go." she whispered to Miguel.

"Okay, yeah." he replied.

"You got some nerve coming here after what your boyfriend did to him and what you tried to do to me at the party." Y/N says angrily at her in a whisper.

"I don't care what you think. I just wanna help." Sam tells him looking back at Miguel.

"Pretty sure you've done enough, princess." Hawk retorts as he walks inside Miguel's room with Y/N.

"Hey, bro. What's up, man? You good?" Y/N asks Miguel.

"I like the spot." Hawk adds making Miguel laugh. "Holding up?" he aks him.


After talking to Miguel for a while, they went back home

While Y/N was driving home, he saw people doing a car wash and recognized some Miyagi-Dos

When he arrived back home, he parked his car and went inside his apartment to his room

Y/N sat on his bed and called Hawk and waited for him to pick up

After a while he did. "Yooo Baba Yaga. What's the problem?" Hawk asked Y/N at the other end of the line.

"When I was driving home from the hospital, I saw people doing a car wash and I recognized some Miyagi-Dos. So go get Mitch so we can check it out." Y/N tells him along with the address he saw it at.

"Understood, Baba Yaga." Hawk said as he hanged up.

Y/N pocketed his phone, put his motor helmet on, got on his motor bike and drove to the location

While he was driving to the location he noticed 2 similar motor bikes coming up to his left and right. Knowing it was Hawk and Mitch, he nodded at them as they arrived at the car wash.

They turned off their engine, flipped their wind mask and lifted the build-in sunglasses.

"They're literally using Miguel as their poster child." Hawk said angrily.

"He's not Miyagi-Do. They think they can get away with that?" Mitch asked Y/N and Hawk while looking at them.

"They won't." Y/N said growling a bit. "Hawk, go get Mikey. Mitch and I will keep an eye out on them." he tells Hawk.

"Yes, Baba Yaga." he said flipping his masks back on, starting his engine and driving away to get Mikey.

After some time all the cars were gone along with everybody else except for a small kid

When he noticed Mikey and Mitch driving towards him, he quickly put the envelope of money in his backpack, got on his bike and tried to ride away, but Hawk and Y/N blocked his path

He looked back and forth at Hawk & Y/N and Mitch & Mikey

"You picked the wrong side." Hawk told him as Mitch took the kid's backpack to take the envelope of money.

"Hey, give it back! Hey!" the kid said to us.

As he tried to reach for it Hawk grabbed him in a chokehold

"Nothing like a long day of charity." Miguel says while chuckling. "We'll make sure Miguel knows it's from Cobra Kai." he adds hitting the kid with the envelope in the head.

The kid kept trying to reach for the envelope. "Don't even think about it." Hawk says to him while laughing.

"Come on, guys." he says. "We all wanna help pay for Miguel's surgery." he explains.

"You're gonna pay, all right." Hawk tells him matter-of-factly. "You get the first attack, Baba Yaga." Hawk tells Y/N.

Y/N cracks his knuckles. "Ooh, I'm gonna enjoy this." he smirks.

Y/N starts punching the kid in the ribs

Hawk let's go off him as they all take turns in kicking the shit out of the kid

After a while they all stop as the kid is whimpering on the ground in pain barely conscious

"Mikey, bring the money to the hospital and make sure to tell them it's from Cobra Kai." Y/N tells Mikey.

"Yes, Baba Yaga." Mikey replies taking the money, getting on his motor bike and driving to the hospital.

Hawk, Mitch and Y/N look down at the kid before getting on his motor bike and driving home

Hawk, Mitch and Y/N look down at the kid before getting on his motor bike and driving home

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That was it for this episode/chapter.

I know this was a smaller one. That's because this episode was more on Daniel and raising money for Miguel.

I hope you all enjoyed it though.

Have a good day/afternoon/evening/night.

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