The Right Path

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*A few weeks later*

Everyone was at the dojo in their gis as they were on the end of the mat with a wooden pole with a bonsai tree on top of it in the middle of the mat

"Never underestimate your enemy." Sensei Kreese tells the class. "Even if you think they're weaker than you, you always have to stay 1 step ahead of them." he continues. "That's the only way to victory." he advices. "Is that understood?" he asks loudly.

"Yes, Sensei." the class loudly replies in unison.

"Good." he says while smiling. "Now let's see if you truly understand the lesson." he tells the class. "I want you to kick this tree off the top." he informs the class. "Red, you start." looking at Red and walking to the side.

Red tries a high side kick, but the fabric of his karate pants gi tears as he falls to the ground and Y/N chuckles a bit

"Pathetic." Sensei Kreese breathes out putting his arms over each other. "Rickenberger, show him." he tells him.

Rickenberger takes a few steps back, before running at the pole and trying a spinning roundhouse kick

He fails and falls to ground while whimpering

"Stop your sniveling." Sensei Kreese tells him disappointingly.

"I can do it, Sensei." Hawk says confidently holding his head high.

"Well, what're you waiting for?" Sensei Kreese asks him.

Hawk walks right up to the front of the pole

"Don't you want a running start?" Sensei Kreese questions him.

"Don't need 1." Hawk tells him while smirking.

Hawk kicks the pole making the bonsai tree fall off making it spill some dirt on the mat

Sensei Kreese chuckles looking at it. "Not bad. Not bad at all." he says to Hawk while smiling.

Hawk goes back to his place as Rickenberger speaks up "But he cheated." he tells his Sensei pointing at Hawk.

That comment made Y/N speak up. "No, he didn't." he tells Rickenberger.

"Something you would like to say Mr. Wick?" Sensei Kreese rhetorically asks while smirking.

Y/N nods and walks in front of Rickenberger. "Unlike you, Hawk did exactly what Sensei Kreese asked him to do." he tells him. "He asked us to kick the tree of the top. He never said how to kick it off." Y/N explains in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Indeed. At ease Mr. Wick." Sensei Kreese tells him. Y/N nods at him and goes back to his position. "If you're mind is agile, so are you." he begins telling the class looking at each student as he walks by them. "That's the best way to beat your enemy." he continues. "Not just with brute strength." he says looking at Rickenberger. "But you have to fight smart." he adds looking at Hawk and Y/N. "Do that and you'll always come out on top." he finishes.

We kept training for a while before dismissing us

*Timeskip to the next day at school during lunch*

Y/N is sitting at a table with the other Cobras eating lunch

Hawk kicks his ball at Demetri's project destroying it to pieces

Y/N and the other Cobras laugh and exclaim at what happened

Hawk goes over to get his ball back and talk to Demetri

When he finishes talking with him he goes back to the Cobras

"Another week, another pissing contest." Demetri says angrily walking to Hawk. "Although I shouldn't be surprised since you love pissing so much." he spits at Hawk.

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