(PERCABETH) Snowy Nights

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TW- Tartarus flashbacks, nightmares, slight bullying but nothing too bad

Word count: 1255

Going to high school with Annabeth was the best coincidence Percy had ever come across. Ever since he was twelve, it seemed to him that the gods had been determined to screw up his life as much as they possibly could. But now, maybe the Fates had decided to let him live his life! Or so he hoped.

Percy Jackson was the most popular boy in the entire school. His girlfriend was known as, "The Nerd," or, "That Weird Girl."

Annabeth loved the names. After surviving Tartarus and the war with Gaea, being called, "Nerd,", "Weird," , or, "Teacher's Pet," was like a reminder that there were far worse things in the world...  And that they'd survived them.

Percy and Annabeth still weren't quite healed from everything yet. They both still had flashbacks and nightmares, but they knew that as long as they had each other... Well, they would survive.

Percy was in second hour when it began to snow. It was December, but no one had really expected the blizzard. The thing seemed to have just come out of nowhere!

By lunch Percy could sense that if all the snow melted at once, it could create quite the flood. It became more worrisome as the day went on though.

By their last class, the entire school knew that they were snowed in. No one was getting out the front doors. Snow was piled, like, five feet high right against the doors, forcing them shut.

Just then, the Principle's voice came over the intercom. "All right kiddos. We are officially snowed in! Have fun doing all your homework!" There was a collective groan from the entire school that echoed everywhere. "We are in for- Oh hey! I heard that groan of disappointment from the office! Nice! Anyway.. What was I saying? Oh yes, we are in for a pretty boring night." Mr. Rose stopped. "Um.. Well, we'll keep you posted about what's happening. You all should probably call your parents, just to let them know. Peace out!" The intercom clicked off.

Percy really liked Mr. Rose. He had a pretty wacky sense of humor. Once, he'd walked through the front doors dressed as Gru from Despicable Me. Why? Because why the Hades not! And let's be honest here... He gave Percy blue candy when they passed in the halls. Mr. Rose really spiced up everything about this school.

Percy slipped his monster-proof phone out of his pocket. Leo had made one for all the Seven (Plus Nico) just in case of emergencies. He sent a quick text to Annabeth, then called his mom.

"Hey, mom," he said once Sally had picked up. "Um... We got snowed in. I won't be home tonight."

Percy heard Sally laugh slightly on the other end, "I know, honey. It's on the news. Is Annabeth with you?"

"Well, she's here. Not with me, but here." Percy answered.

"Ok. You two stick together. I'll call Paul, ok?"

"Alright, thanks mom!"

"No problem sweetie. I love you! Be careful and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yup. See ya!" Percy said, hanging up.

His phone buzzed. Annabeth had texted back. I'm in the library, Seaweed Brain. Where else did you think I'd be?

He smiled slightly before responding: OMW, Wise Girl.

Percy packed all his textbooks back into his bag and made his way through all the usual after-school traffic. He made his way to the library, slowly but surely. At last he arrived and walked through the open doors.

Annabeth was already sitting at a table with a few textbooks in front of her. She had her earphones in, starring into space and fidgeting with her Camp Beads.

Percy tip-toed up to her before wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing a kiss to her cheek. She jumped slightly, reaching up and pulling her earphones out.

"Percy! Don't do that, for Zeus' sake! I was thinking about architecture for the new Cabins at camp! Then you just waltz in here and distract me! You can't do that, Seaweed Brain." She laughed as Percy poked her side, slapping his hand away. "Percy! What did I just say? I need to focus!"

He laughed. He couldn't help but annoy his Wise Girl. He gave her a lopsided smile before sliding into the chair next to her, "Well, you want to work on homework with me?" He asked.

"Sure!" Annabeth pulled a few papers over to her. "Math first for me. What about you?"

Percy pulled a random paper out of his bag. "English. Great."

And, just like that, they both finished all their homework. Personally, Percy thought that this would be the first time he ever handed his papers in on time!

It took about 3 hours to finish everything, but at last they did. It was 6:00 now, just in time for dinner. Percy was starving! Annabeth wouldn't let him leave for a snack for 3 hours! 

Well, it's true that if he'd left, he would've gotten sidetracked and got back somewhere around 9, but still. FOOD!


After dinner, the boys and girls were separated so they could go to sleep. The nurse, Mrs. Haddy, brought out sleeping bags, but most people still had to use their coats as pillows.

Percy fell asleep almost immediately. He had been one of the lucky ones to snatch a pillow before they all disappeared. He, thankfully, didn't dream. But apparently, someone else did.

At about 11:00 Percy was jerked awake by a loud, high, scream. His eyes snapped open and he sat bolt upright. He would know that sound anywhere. It was that sound that constantly haunted his own dreams: Annabeth.

A few other boys were awakened by the sounds, and even more were jolted awake as Percy jumped to his feet and bolted out of the room. He sprinted down the hall into the art classroom where the girls had been put. A very large crowd was gathered around one sleeping bag, staring in confusion.

Percy shoved his way through the crowd, but it was so thick, he could barely make any progress. Another cry pierced his ears and he yelled, "Get out of my way!" 

The crowd parted like water and he fell to his knees beside his girlfriend. Gathering her into his arms, he held her shaking form close. He gently stroked her hair and whispered soothing words into Annabeth's ear.

At last her eyes flickered open and tears began streaming down her face. "Percy! I thought they killed you.. I thought you were dead! They told me I'd never see you again! They said-"

"Shh, Annabeth. It's alright. I'm right here." He pulled her partly onto his lap and she curled into him, her face buried in his chest as she sobbed. Her shoulders shook and Percy ran his hands through her hair and rubbed her back.

Eventually, as Annabeth began to calm down, the crowd that had gathered dispersed. A sober silence was all that could be heard over Annabeth's quiet sobs. All of the kids were staring at each other, wondering what had just happened. What could have ever made the quite, nerdy girl so immensely terrified?

They weren't sure they wanted to know.

Hey guys! Sorry that one was so dark. I totally ship Percabeth, though, like, they could not be more perfect with each other! Who do you guys ship? Let me know in the comments, and maybe I'll write one for you!

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