(PJO- CLEO) Her Rescuer

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TW- Scenes of domestic violence, brief character death, and violence toward an abuser.

Word count: 1965

When Leo woke up, the first thing he noticed was the light. It was blinding! Then he began feeling the wind and the cold metal of the dragon beneath him. His vision was really blurry, so he couldn't make out where exactly they were.

"Hey, Festus... Wow, being dead sucks..." he looked around. "Hey, do you have a pinpoint on Ogygia, yet?"

Festus creaked, which Leo interpreted as meaning: Look. He did. Leo looked straight ahead and his vision cleared just enough for him to see an island. He whooped with joy. After everything he'd done and been through, he was almost there! He could see the pearl white sand of Ogygia!

He was going to get the girl of his dreams off of this prison. 'Calypso,' he thought, 'I'm coming! I'm really coming back, Sunshine!'

He whooped with joy once again.

Festus circled the small island once before landing. Leo slid off his back and landed on his feet. The blood rushed through his legs and into his head, making him temporarily dizzy. He leaned back against Festus' leg and titled his head back. By the time he opened his eyes, he could see straight and feel his legs!

Festus suddenly stiffened and snorted, gesturing with his long snout down the length of the beach. His ears perked up. Just a few seconds later, he heard it: a yelp of pain.

The sound was high, only the kind of sound a girl could make... Calypso!

Leo didn't stop. He didn't think. He simply ran. The scream came again, but it was abruptly cut off. Leo didn't know if the silence was good. He didn't want to know! He was pretty sure it wasn't.

He sprinted off the beach and into the trees. He could hear Festus trying to follow, but also trying to not break any trees. Even though they'd never met, he seemed to sense how much the forest meant to Calypso. He snorted, but Leo didn't hear him. He was too far away.

He skidded around a sharp corner and came to a very abrupt stop. His heart had stopped along with his momentum.

A large man was standing over Calypso - Leo's Calypso- with a hunting knife in his hand. From where Leo was, he couldn't tell if Calypso was breathing or not. Her beautiful face was now bruised and battered. Her body was crumpled in a heap and her dress was spattered with blood.

The man kicked her in her side and spat near her face. "Love me so I can get off this island, you stupid girl!!!" he kicked her once more and she curled up slightly. At least she was still alive... for now...

Leo felt his blood begin to boil. Literally! This person was hurting Calypso! He was hurting Leo's Sunshine! His hands clenched into fists and his mind went blank.

In fact, everything went blank! Leo's world turned red and he unconsciously set his hands ablaze. An animalistic growl escaped from his throat and Leo charged out from the tree line.

No one touches his Sunshine!

Leo leapt onto the man's back, just as he brought his foot back to kick Calypso once again. The man stumbled, but he recovered quickly and threw Leo off of him. He scrambled to his feet and took a swing at the guy.

However, something was wrong. Leo's punches were wild and would hardly hurt his enemy. He couldn't concentrate long enough to summon a steady flame. While Leo was taking wild swings, the man dodged and hit precise blows every time.

Soon enough, Leo was pinned underneath this guy, helpless... Well, almost helpless...

The man pulled his arm back to deliver the final blow... And his pants burst into flames. Leo's entire body was on fire, just like the freakin' baby on the Incredibles. The force of his anger seemed to fuel the internal heat.

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