(TASM2-PARKSBORN) Use Me (Part 3)

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So, in case it wasn't obvious, I decided to continue this. I had no idea that I would get so attached to this storyline but oh well! Just means more content for you guys!

TW's: nightmares, a lot of stress, mentions of the last two parts of this story, implied difficulties with eating, mentions of criminal trials.

This one is mostly just fluff as I start setting up the overarching plot and some context for the rest of the story.

Word count: 3027

The party was going great! The music was blaring, undoubtedly causing irreparable damage to everyone's ears, but no one cared because they were young and dumb and all that mattered was what song played next. Lights flashed on and off to the rhythm of the music as he watched on, smiling and carefree.

Then, within what felt like only a few seconds, it had all faded away, leaving the world so quiet he felt like the silence had taken on a life of its own. The lights went dim, the world went dark, and everything seemed to stop in it's tracks right then.

He looked around himself, confused and afraid. He called out, hoping someone would hear and come to him... but no one responded. He was alone. Totally alone.

Until he wasn't.

He heard something, but it was muffled and he couldn't make out what it was. "Hello?" He called again. He didn't get an answer, but the noise got louder and closer.


And then hands were touching him, a weight had settled on top of him, and he couldn't feel his arms or legs. He didn't remember where he was, couldn't understand what was happening, but he knew that it was wrong. Something was wrong!

But he couldn't speak, couldn't make a sound, couldn't cry for help! The hands were touching him, roaming over his skin, and he hated it, hated every second of it, but why did he hate it again?

He tried to call out, but all he could manage was a little gasp as his lungs started to constrict. Why was it so hard to breathe? What was going on? Why couldn't he breathe?

Help, he screamed, help, please! But no sound came out, his voice stubbornly refusing to cooperate with his wishes.

Why couldn't he move? Why couldn't he breathe? Why were the hands still on him?



Peter Parker was awoken by a sharp jab to his ribs. He groaned and rolled, fighting to crack open his tired eyes. He'd only gotten back from patrolling the city a few hours ago! He was exhausted and more than happy to collapse into bed next to his partner, Harry Osborn.

Peter looked down at his lover now, his eyes widening. Oh sh- Within seconds, he was sat bolt upright, gently trying to shake the other awake.

"Harry?" He whispered, "C'mon, baby, wake up. You're alright, just open your eyes!"

Harry was curled into a very tight ball, his legs pulled close to himself. His face was streaked with tears and his hands were balled into tight fists that he held near his head, almost like a shield.

"C'mon, Har," he whispered again, "You're okay."

After a few more firm but gentle shakes, Peter saw Harry's blue eyes shoot open and he was flying upright, batting Peter's outstretched hands away from him. He had a wild look in his eyes, like a cornered animal ready to bolt given the slightest opportunity.

His chest was heaving and Peter's heightened senses let him know fairly quickly that he was wheezing badly. Harry pulled his legs close to him again, wrapped his arms around them, and placed his head on his knees. Peter could see him shaking with tremors that took over his entire body.

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