(DSMP-RANBOO) For I Left Eden's Gardens And Lost My Way Back (2)

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Here's part 2!  I think there may be one or two more parts after this... Not quite sure yet. 

TW's- Some violence, but not much.  The majority of this one is just fluff and bonding, nothing really serious yet.

Word Count: 3853


The festival was about to begin! The full moon shone brightly down on the cobbled city streets, the decorations and bright lanterns paving the way to the city square.

Dream and his husbands, George and Sapnap, had shown up right after Phil and Techno had arrived. Soon after them, Bad, Puffy, Skeppy, Quackity, Sam, Charlie, Purpled, and Fundy showed up. There were more on the horizon that hadn't reached the city yet.

Ranboo watched from the skies as each faction shuffled into the city, their weapons and armor removed and left by the courthouse. The other avians soon joined him, Tommy and Phil pushing off to take their places in the sky.

Ranboo greeted the energetic young boy with a warm, "Hey Tommy!" And a light cuff around his shoulder.

Tommy didn't seem to find this greeting satisfactory and barreled into Ranboo, wrapping him in a tight midair hug. Ranboo felt the air leave his chest, but he wrapped the other boy in a returning hug.

"What kept ya away, boss man?" He asked as soon as Ranboo had let go. He flapped around in circles, apparently unable to keep still, even in the air!

Ranboo laughed. Tommy could be annoying at times, but he really did care. "It wouldn't quit raining," he explained, "I couldn't even leave the house!"

Phil swooped over to them, his eyes light and a smile on his face. "He was miserable!" He said, "Can't blame him, either, being cooped up that long!"

Tommy shuddered, wrinkling his nose in distaste at the idea of being unable to fly. "Yeah, that's just awful, innit?"

Ranboo nodded vigorously. He hated being inside, but he'd take being stuck in a building over facing the rain. At least inside he could keep his skin from smoldering.

The three looked down at the gathering people below. Ranboo noticed a splash in one of the ponds, a flash of bubblegum pink hair, and the glimmering scales of a fish tail as Niki surfaced. He called down to her and she waved up at him.

"Hey, dad!" A deep voice called.

Phil looked around, flapping in a circle. "Will?" He cried.

The phantom materialized directly below them and waved cheekily. Phil let out a joyful laugh, tucked his wings close, and plummeted to the ground. He caught himself just above the pavement and enveloped his son in a bone crushing hug. Wilbur laughed and buried his face in his father's neck.

Ranboo looked around himself. This, he thought, this is what we should be. Not sides; people. This is what we should be like all the time.

Tommy gave a little whoop beside him and did the same as Phil, tucking his wings close to his body like a falcon and hurtling toward the ground. His russet wings snapped open and he hit the ground a little harder than Phil, but he bounced right back up and took off into the crowd, chasing whatever had caught his attention next.

Ranboo smiled. This was how it was supposed to be! This was what life should be. Everywhere he looked, he saw wide smiles (that weren't pasted on a mask) and people talking with their friends and family. No one was angry and no wars were about to break out; all that was there was amity for their fellows.

He tucked his wings close like the other two had done and sped toward the ground. He'd seen Tubbo leave their house with Michael in his arms and swooped down to meet them.

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