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"There are days that I still miss him," I said, silently praying the tear that is threatening to fall would back out.

I could feel a growing lump in my throat as silence filled the distance between me and Jungkook. When was the last time I've open up about my personal struggles and sentiments? I couldn't even remember.

"What do you do during those days? It's been five years since you've broken up, right?" he asked, sincerity and sympathy blending into the glow of his eyes.

"I... I go to you." I couldn't help but look down as the warm crystals finally fled out in both of my eyes. My cheeks were getting drenched and I had no way to hide the slow shivers on my shoulder as I silently sob.

He engulfed me in a tight embrace, whispering, "Shh, angel. My sweet angel. I'm here. I'll always be here for you."

His words sent a pang to my chest. Maybe before, I would have had butterflies in my stomach. I would have blushed, felt flustered over that simple sentence. But now, these... just pains me more.

Yes, you're here now... but... there will always be that but.

I am thankful that you always make yourself available for me whenever I call. Even though I am basically just a neighbor you've met after your discharge from the hospital five years ago. At least to you, that's how our unusual and unexpected friendship began.

It has been five years, Jungkook. It has been five years since I've started telling you stories about him. I've told you everything he did for me as well as everything I did in return. But I excluded the part where we broke up. Because... it never happened. We've never broken up. Although you believed we did.

I told you about how much we've loved each other. How happy we were. How perfect everything was. Five years. It has been five years since the day you've lost all memories of me, Jungkook.

All memories of you and me.

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