Look At Me

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"Good evening everyone. Thank you for coming. I hope you all are enjoying your time with whoever you are with. Forget what's outside this room. Relax and feel relieved- everyone of you deserves rest." Jungkook said through the microphone. Everyone cheered and nodded as a sign that they are all agreeing to what Jungkook said.

"What song are you going to sing, sweetie? I missed your voice. That's why I'm here!" Said a woman sitting on the front. She obviously likes Jungkook so her friends and few of the crowd teased her. The girlgot embarassed and bowed her head. Jungkook smiled at her and answered.

"Oh. Thank you. *laughs* I'm going to sing 'Look at Me' by George. It's a really good song. And I'm a fan of him."

"Are you into someone recently? Who's the lucky girl?" Asked someone from the crowd.

"Yes! Who is she?"

"Who's the girl? Tell us, Gguk!"

"Wow. You all really put me on a hot seat!" Jungkook joked that made everyone laugh.

"But yes, I'm into someone- but not recently. I've liked him for so long. But it's somewhat one-sided. I'm waiting for this certain man to look at me the way I look at him, to love me the same way I love him-"

"HIM?!" Almost everyone shouted.

Jungkook laughed a little.

"Yes. He's also a man, like me. Sorry if you all thought I'm straight, when I'm actually not. That's also the reason why I turned down all the girls who confessed to me. I don't have the right to do that though but I can't give back what you feel about me. I like someone- only him." Jungkook said and looked on a particular direction. The audience were all in awe. They turned to the same direction Jungkook was looking and found only one. The bartender who was busy mixing some alcohol.

"Please Jungkook, stop doing this." Jimin mumbled as he keeps himself busy just so he could avoid everyone's gaze.

"Jimin!" A girl greeted joyfully.

Jimin almost jumped out of shock. He then turned and faced the girl. It was Marie, his bestfriend.

"Oh. Hello." Jimin greeted. Everyone quietened as Jungkook started singing. Jimin stopped for a minute and sighed before he continued what he was doing.

"Jimin. May I ask you something?" Jimin's heartbeat started racing. He's afraid of what Marie would ask- he's scared that it can be something he couldn't answer. But he calmed himself  and stayed composed.

"Sure. What is it?" He asked feeling the nervousness inside.

"Do you like Jungkook? Okay- I mean, I knew he's pursuing you since the day he started working here. You never shown a concrete reaction or what but I know you so well, I felt it. There's something." There. The question Jimin was most afraid of. Jimin turned his eyes shut and slightly bowed his head for a while before facing Marie. He smiled faintly.

"I do. I like him so much. I want to look at him the way he does to me and show him how much I love him. But I can't. Marie. I just can't." Jimin said- sadness is painted on his eyes. He can't hide it.

"But why?" Marie asked.

"Because I know you like him." Jimin answered without delay. Marie looked at Jimin, surprised.


"You like him Marie. I saw his pictures on your phone. You even wrote poems for him-"

"But he doesn't like me. He likes you Jimin. I wouldn't dare force him to look at me. I know my limits. I know when to stop. Jimin, I stopped long ago. Yes. I still have lingering feelings for him but I can handle it myself. It's my business after all. So you, do what you want. Don't mind me. I'm fine. Okay?" Marie said flashing a genuine smile, reassuring her friend that she's fine. She's telling him through her eyes that she doesn't mind whether he get together with Jungkook and that she'll support him no matter what.

"But-" Jimin is still insisting.

"Jimin." Marie called and came closer to Jimin.

"If Jungkook approach you again tonight, tell him. Promise me you'll tell him what you feel. That way I'll feel at ease." Jimin nodded and smiled lightly. Marie then bid her goodbye and left because her Mom called.

Jungkook on the other hand finished two more songs after Look At Me and showed his appreciation towards the audience.

"Thank you everyone! Let's see each other again on the next Saturday. I'm off!" Jungkook said and everyone clapped and dispersed one by one. Jungkook started walking towards Jimin.

"Hyung." Jungkook called the older.

"What?" Jimin simply answered the moment he faced Jungkook.

"You're so cold. When will you be sweet to me?" Jungkook murmured but was slightly heard by Jimin. He smiled secretly and didn't bother talking.

"Hyung. I'll go now." The younger said and made his way out of the chair he's sitting on. Jimin looked at him, confused.

"I'm going home. You'll stay here 'til midnight right? Take care on your way home." Jungkook reminded and was about to walk away but stopped midway when he heard Jimin talk.

"No! Jungkook... stay. Let's go home together." Jimin shyly scratch the back of his neck, unable to maintain an eye contact with Jungkook. The latter stopped for a bit and just stared at Jimin until what he just heard finally sink into him.

"You mean-"


"Is that a yes for the question I asked long ago? Jimin, don't give me false hopes. Say it directly." Jungkook's kindda feeling nervous of what will be the words that will soon come out of Jimin's mouth. 'Please tell me it's what I'm thinking it is.' He mumbled to himself.

"Yes, Jungkook. Remember when you asked me when will I look at you the same way you do? Without you knowing, I was already doing it. When will I love you? I already did and I still do." Jimin said locking his eyes with Jungkook. This is the first time he ever looked directly on Jungkook. His eyes are so beautiful... it shines... it looks like a galaxy. A view he'll probably never get tired of staring at.

"Hyung-- I can't believe..."

The sentence Jungkook was about to voice out was ceased when Jimin stopped him by giving him a kiss on the lips.

"I love you. Believe me. I really do." Jimin confessed right after granting Jungkook a soft kiss.

"I-i love you too, hyung." Jungkook barely could say those words. He's too overwhelmed with the happiness he's feeling inside. It feels like a dream. But he knew for a fact that it was not. Without the two noticing, everyone was actually watching them and soon after Jungkook answered Jimin's I love you, the crowd cheered and clapped their hands showing both of them a warm acceptance. The two got embarrassed and ended up bowing multiple times 'til the people stopped and got back on their own business. Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other and just laughed the embarrassment off.

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