S 13.2

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Note: A continuation of the last one-shot I posted but this is still an angst. //


"You jerk! Come here. You can't just run away after stealing my first kiss. Jungkook!" Jimin yelled at me when I started running. Yes. I kissed him. He was talking so much after my confession and he just won't stop so I can't do anything but seal his lips. Haha.

"Catch me!" I laughed and teased him. He's irritated but not mad. How can I explain this, uhm he's just acting cute... maybe? His face turned rosy and his lips was pouting.

"Aish. Jungkook!" I smiled at him widely and bawled out the three significant words I've been wanting to say.


I started walking towards him. I saw him get shy as if he wanted the groud to just swallow him up. He bowed his head and hide his face with his hands. Ah. Kyeo.

"Y-you c-can't just say it like that. I'm not ready." He said. I held his hand and made him look at me. I made our nose touch and once again, I claimed his lips. He's mine. Mine alone.

"You are my possession Jimin. No one must dare touch you." I firmly stated after the short yet emotion-filled kiss we shared.

"I'm yours-"

• • •

"Damn." I uttered after I was suddenly awaken. I just slept for... 5 minutes? Fck. I need atleast an hour of rest. I cried enough. I'm hurt and I know I might do something I must not if I stayed conscious. But why do I have to dream about that fckng situation? This sht is devasting. How the hell did that come into my dream right when I was hurting?

"Fck. Jimin. What did you do to me? What wrong did I ever did to you to deserve this? For three years, I did my best to make you feel loved and cared of. I-i showed you things you want to see. Did almost everything for you. I disregarded the pain I felt whenever you ignore me for an unknown reason- those times you neglected my efforts- the moments I caught you texting somebody else when we're together. Everything. But why?"

I thought as the plain white empty ceiling stare right back at me. Tears were continuously pouring. Dmn. I can't help it- i just can't. I love him dmn much. Much more than I love myself. I jumped out of shock when my phone suddenly rang. It was him. It was Jimin. I hesitated. I feel like I still don't have the strength to talk to him- but I want to hear his voice. I want him by my side again so I answered it. I didn't say anything rather, waited for him to talk... but-

"Hello. Is this Jungkook?" Said a woman from the other line.

"Yes. Who-?"

"Uhm. Hello. My boyfriend and I saw the owner of this phone passed out in one of the bench at the park near the HHH Super Mall. He was soaked in the rain and he's already freezing cold. We want to send him to the nearest hospital but all he's saying was 'Jungkook-ah. Jungkook-ah' so I looked for his phone and tried looking for the person's name on his contacts... luckily he doesn't have a passcode. I called you because your name sounds the nearest--"

"Fck. Thank you! Thank you so much. I'll go there right now. Please stay with him 'til I come. Sorry for asking this much favor from you but please-"

"Sure. Don't worry."

I thanked her once more and cut off the call. I immediately stood up and went out. I  ran as fast as I could. I don't know. I'm mad and hurt but I can't bear seeing him suffer and get sick. I'll take everything. Pain. Betrayal. Sadness. I'll have it all- just be okay, Jimin.

• • •
"Young man! Be careful!" Shouted a middle-aged woman. But I was too occupied to process what she was meaning to say. I then end up lying on the cold ground- bathing on my own blood.

"Omg! Who is he?"

"Report this as a Hit-and-Run. The driver didn't even bulge! He just run off!"

"Call the ambulance. He already lost a lot of blood!"

"Don't come near him!"

We're all I could hear as I1 felt my eyes slowly closing. My body's losing its strength. Jimin. I think I won't be able to see you again.
• • •
[Third Person]

"I should have pulled you closer when you tried hugging me. I should have held your hand when you tried touching me. I shouldn't have hit you- I shouldn't have hurt you. I'm sorry my mochi... my Jimin. I'm sorry... and, I love you. I never expected that... that would really be the last hug I'll be able to give you. Jimin... please take care of yourself. I love you." Jungkook thought before he finally felt his whole being gave up. Everyone witnessed how his body turned lifeless. His eyes sealed close... permanently.

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