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jikook one-shot
by: Ella Satellite

Jungkook woke up sweating, he's having a hard time breathing and his hands are trembling. Again, he had that same nightmare... his death. Jungkook unconsciously stood up walked towards his art room and immediately held his drawing pencil. He started stroking lines 'til he ended up forming those sparkly eyes, pointed nose and pouty lips. It was that woman again. A woman he doesn't know. A woman that is a work of his imagination.

A talented, artistic and creative young man named Jungkook, had been dreaming about his death since the day his parents died right in front of him. Drawing, painting and anything related to art became his resort whenever he wakes up from those terrible dreams.

He usually draw this someone he created in mind, and wish the portrait turns real. He was so hopeless, for he has no one other than himself.

Until one day...

"Who are you?!" Surprised Jungkook blurted out when he saw a man lying beside him. He looked familiar but he doesn't know where he saw him. His pouty lips were red and his eyes were glowing.

The guy didn't respond. Instead, he stood up and walked to pick a piece of paper and a pen. He then gave it to Jungkook.

It says;  "Jimin. I'm Park Jimin."

"NO! I mean-- who are you? Do I know you? Why are you sleeping beside me? How did you get here?" Questions flow from Jungkook's mouth like a river. He was so baffled and he doesn't have any idea on what to do. Too surprised, that he was unable to grasp the situation.
He stayed on his position, unmoving. The guy smiled a bit and wrote again.

"You called for me." He pointed out, and directed his finger on Jungkook's unfinished portrait.

A woman's portrait. That someone's portrait. 
Jungkook looked at the drawing and to the man standing in front of him; back and forth. He couldn't believe his eyes. The two were identical. A total replica of each other.

"What do you mean I called for you?" Jungkook managed to ask despite of the confusion he's currently at.

Jimin sighed. He's tired of writing his answers so he sat beside Jungkook. The latter moved few inches away and gave Jimin a furious look.
"Okay." Jimin started, breathing deeply as he locked his eyes on Jungkook.  The man beside him suddenly stood up out of horror.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" The guy bawled. He got goosebumps and his hand, as well as his knees started shaking. He suddenly felt weak after the man who introduced himself as Jimin talked through his mind. He heard him through his head, and that made him more surprised, more questioned.

"Relax. I wouldn't hurt you." Jimin tried to console Jungkook, but rather than becoming relaxed, Jungkook fainted instead.
"Are you okay?" Jimin asked when he saw Jungkook opened his eyes after few minutes of being unconcious. He slowly caressed Jungkook's hair and brushed it back from time-to-time.

Getting away from Jimin's touch, he got off the bed and answered, "I'm fine."

"Don't be scared of me. I won't hurt you." jungkook looked at Jimin after hearing these words in his mind. It was so soft, too gentle that he almost melted.

The man flashed a melancholic smile after he caught Jungkook's gaze. Immediately, but reluctantly, Jungkook looked away, afraid he'd eventually soften as he keep his eyes fixed on Jimin.

"Why are you here? What do you want from me?" Jungkook asked and walked towards his kitchen to drink something warm, something that could calm him down.

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