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"How long are you going to keep this a secret, Jimin?" Seokjin inquired, evidently showing annoyance.

Jimin sighed and squeezed his eyes close, controlling himself so he won't end up shouting. "Just until he's fine, hyung. Promise. I'll tell him."

"Jimin, we're leaving 2 days from now. We'll be gone for four years! We can't cancel this just because you think he's not doing good. Think about yourself too. You worked hard to gain this scholarship, now that it's finally here, are you saying you're willing to give it up just for a man?" Seokjin raised his voice, trying to remind Jimin that he's the older and he should listen to what he's saying.

But instead of answering him with something that would assure him, Jimin glared at him. "Hyung, Jungkook is not JUST A MAN, like what you're trying to say. He is MY MAN. THE MAN I LOVE. The one who stayed when no one else did. The man who cheered me up. The man who was there when I was crying my heart out because I feel like I'm a failure. He's my happiness, my source of strength. My everything. I wouldn't be able to have that fucking scholarship if he wasn't there or if he didn't help me. So fuck yes! I'm willing to give that up for a man! I will! If the man is Jungkook."

Seokjin stood in awe, unable to process the fact that Jimin, his younger brother just exploded in anger. He didn't know Jimin and Jungkook's relationship was this deep for Jimin to go to this extent.

Giving up what he worked hard, to stay for his man.

"Hyung. I'm sorry. I will talk to him. I will, I promise. But not now, hyung. He just lost his parents. I can't leave him. I don't want him to lose anything more. Not even me. I'll stay."

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