3. drunk Q

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quackity posted an IG story!

quackity posted an IG story!

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Just for one person



Drunk Q

Fans of streamer, youtuber, Quackity speculates that he had gone out to drink and is currently drunk after posting on his Instagram story.



Pissbaby's Girlfriend


I saw your story. Are you okay? You know you can talk to me right?

Message me when you're comfortable, okay?




Are you drunk?

Please tell me you're safe




You good?

We miss you dude

Message soon



Alex please tell me you're back home.

I sent Karl there, he's gonna look for you

You'll be okay alright.



Where the hell are you Alex?


Quackity stumbled around the streets as he clenched his third bottle of wine. He didn't know why he grabbed the bottle but he did.

As much as Tala's words helped him, it wasn't enough to take away the pain that he felt so maybe that's why.

He was walking through the streets of LA, passing different people. He fixed his mask, trying to hide himself from getting recognized. But as he passed another 7/eleven he heard his name being called.

"Alex?" he ignored the person and chugged the drink in his hand. All reason leaving his head as the alcohol made him blind to the fact that he could get recognized.

But he didn't care. All the pain and trauma brought by the only girl she loved came back like a wrecking ball. "Alex!" he heard again. He scoffed but didn't stop walking.

That was until someone grabbed his arm. The person pulled him to turn around and there Quackity was faced with a very worried and upset Karl.

"Oh it's just you Karl." Alex said with a hiccup and giggle. Karl furrowed his eyebrows and pulled him back, "Come on, I'm taking you home." He said.

Alex shook his head, "I can do it myself." He said before walking away from him. He stumbled and grabbed the street light, laughing to himself.

Karl sighed and followed after him again. "Quackity please-" "No. Karl I am not a child. I can handle myself." Alex cut him off.

"Alex stop." Karl begged but Quackity shook his head, "You can't make me stop if you don't have any idea how I feel. So leave me alone." Alex said as he turned around.

Before he could walk away, Karl grabbed a hold of his arm. Alex scoffed and was about to snap but Karl beat him to it, "I know I don't know how you feel but that doesn't mean I won't try and understand because you're one of my best friends Alex!" he yelled.

Alex was stunned, it was as if he woke up. He blinked and shook his head, "Karl..." he trailed as the tears appeared in his eyes. Karl frowned and nodded, "It's okay. I'm here. We're here." He said as he pulled his best friend into a hug.

Quackity started to sob as he hugged Karl tight. Karl rubbed his back as he let him cry. It was heartbreaking to see Alex like this, Karl never ever wanted to see one of his friends like this. But alas, faith is treating him wrong.


Quackity had just gotten out of the shower after drinking a cup of water. He then heard his phone ringing, Karl was out calling Tala so he sighed and grabbed the phone.

He realized that it was Dream. He huffed but answered it as he sat on the kitchen island. "Quackity." Dream said worriedly. Alex hummed as he picked on his nails.

"Karl told us..." he trailed and Quackity shook his head. "I assumed he will." He muttered. "Quackity you aren't alone." He reminded him. But Alex just hummed but he didn't felt it.

Well he did know that his friends were there but with the pain, he just felt as if they didn't felt what he felt as if they didn't understand him. And they don't but that doesn't me they would just let him waste his life away.

"Don't waste your life drinking your problems away that's not how you resolve this." Dream said. Alex snickered, "Yeah, like I wanted to drink alcohol Dream." He said.

The blonde sighed, "I know but you don't have to be affected by this. You can just not go." He said. Alex clenched his jaw, he was too prideful of that. It had been years and he doesn't want to seem like he was still affected, which in hindsight he still was.

"I have to." Alex argued. Dream scoffed, "You're making it harder for yourself-" "I have to because they invited me as their best man."

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