13. phone call

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Alex walked out of the room, heart heaving at what he just did. As much as he had peace with Fred and they reconnected he still wanted to give Annie some last words.

But deep within him he didn't want to ruin the last day of preparations. Everyone was at the venue already and him and Angelique, the maid of honor have been running around to ease the couple's anxiety.

In the midst of it all, Alma and a few other tias he knew growing up kept pushing him to her saying it would be perfect, two single maid of honor and best man meeting at a friend's wedding. A perfect love story.

He reached the outside of the building and he let out a sigh of relief. He was about to light a cigarette when his phone rang.

Looking down he realized it was a discord call. He saw Karl ringing him. He hummed and answered as he placed the cigarette back in the pack before pocketing it.

"Hey." Alex said. "Quackity!" Karl and Tala greeted him. "What does the sun and moon want." He joked as he waved at Fred's brothers.

"Just wanted to know how you were." Karl said. "You okay?" Tala asked. Quackity hummed, "Yeah. Why do you guys ask?" he asked.

"Because you didn't bully Tommy today." Karl said. Alex laughed, "Yes well I didn't have time. Best man duties and all." He said.

Karl hummed, "Speaking of that. Everything good? No outbursts lately?" he asked. Alex chuckled, "Nah. Me and Fred talked and everything is going fine." He said.

"But." Tala said. Alex furrowed his eyebrows, "But what?" he asked. The girl chuckled, "Oh Quackity. Poor, naïve Quackity." She said.

Karl giggled as Alex huffed, "Why am I naïve?" he asked. "She means, have you have your closure with Anna? " Karl asked. "Why do I need to have closure-" "You're not seriously asking that." Karl cut him off.

Alex scoffed, "Fine. No me and Anna haven't talked at all ever since the fountain outburst." He admitted. Tala sighed, "You have to talk to her." she said.

He snickered, "Why? Me and Fred are good. There isn't anything to be said." He muttered. The line went silent as the trio just sat on call.

That was when Tala spoke again, "You already did something. Did you?" she asked. Karl grumbled, "How would you know?" he asked making Alex laughed.

"No need to be jealous, Tala should be the one jealous with me and you." he joked. Tala snickered as the boys laughed. "Anyway! Alex! Tell us what you did?" she said.

Quackity snickered, "What made you think I did something?" he asked. "Because I know you Alex Quackity. Remember the time when Sienna yelled at you for drinking and you had already apologized before we could say anything, you slick mother-" "Okay!" Kark cut her off.

Alex chuckled, he loved riling up the girls much to their boyfriends' dismay. "Okay maybe I did." he said. "Told you so." "Shut up."

He rolled his eyes at the couple, "I kinda of sneaked in her room and left a letter." He said. "You what?!" the couple screeched making him pull the phone away.

He waited for until they calmed down, "You two done?" he asked. They sighed, "Why would you sneak in a bride's room Alex? Do you know how bad that would look if someone saw you?" Tala asked worried.

But Alex huffed, "No one did. And its fine. Like what you said, it's a way for me to give my last words without being blinded by any emotion." He explained.

Tala sighed but she didn't say anything else. She didn't want to push Alex but she was just worried as were the others. All of them knew that Karl and Tala were usually the ones that could get to him before they pull out the big guns; Dream and Sienna.

Alex was about to say something when Angelique's voice called out. He turned to see the maid of honor looking distressed. "Ange? What's wrong?" he asked.

Angelique walked to him and sighed, "It's Fred and the other groomsmen." "Yeah?" he asked. "Fred's pants ripped and he won't let me stitch it but maybe you could distract him so I can." She said.

Quackity let out a laugh and nodded, "Sure Ange, let me just finish up a call." He said motioning to the phone. She chuckled and nodded, "Alright well I'll let you be then." She said before walking away.

He sighed and placed the phone back to his ear, "Hey I don't know if you heard that but I gotta go." He said.

"Yeah of course-" Tala was cut off with Karl. "Who was she? She made you giggle. Did you actually found someone? Can we meet her?" he asked. "Karl." "What?"

Alex laughed, "She's Angelique, the maid of honor-" "Ooooh." Karl said making Alex shake his head, "I didn't find someone and no you can't meet her." he said.

"You hiding someone from me-" "She isn't into guys." Alex cut him off. "Oh. Okay." Karl said making Tala and Alex laugh. "I gotta go. Talk to you two soon."



quackity4k // quackity4k

just had to calm down @fredster geez you're worst than annie

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