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TW: Swearing, platonic cuddling

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Requested by: Trixy_Trix

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▪︎ !! NOT CANON !!

AU: Minecraft is real-life AU, Cat!Innit

Timeline: Where the Business Bay reunited after Tommy was revived. They are all in SMPEarth by the way and Wisp was accepted back into Business Bay.

A/N: I had so much fun writing this chapter! Also cat!Innit rocks. By the way, get ready for some angst since I'm feeling angsty. Though right now have some Fluff! :]


Tommy's pov:



I quickly concealed my ears and tail, despite the fact that it made me extremely tired before they discovered me.



I saw four figures come into my house, all wearing their suits, as I turned around to face the door.

"Tommy! You won't believe what we just found!" Luke shouted, sounding excited.

"What did you guys find?" I asked since I am curious about what they found that got all of them this excited.

I couldn't miss the excited look on Deo's face, and nor could I miss the amazed look on Wisp's face. Bitzel's face was filled with curiosity and wonder, while Luke's face was filled with excitement.

"We found a crown that looks like it came from centuries ago!" Deo said, his voice filled with wonder.

"Woah! You know, Wilbur actually gave me a book that shows old kings and queens' crowns if you want to see if we can find whose crown it was. " I said to them

All of their faces were now filled with excitement and curiosity. I smiled lightly and giggled a bit.

"Fuck yes! C'mon! Show us the book! " Wisp shouted

It's on my desk in my room. "I'll be there in a minute," I said to them before they rushed to my room.

I giggled to myself before feeling a wave of tiredness. I forgot how tired I can get by hiding my cats' features. But I don't want them to know, so I've got to deal with it.

As long as I don't pass out in front of them or something, then I should be good.

As much as I hate hiding secrets from them, I must hide this as I don't want them to make fun of me or something.

"Oh My Fucking God!" I heard a scream come from my room.

I giggled as I knew who's crown they found since Wilbur has been telling me about that crown and its history. Although I was excited about learning about that crown, even if it was still hidden then, they were a lot more excited than I was.

I walked to my room and leaned against the doorway. All 4 of them were on the floor reading the book. It was on the right page where the crown that they found.

I laughed a bit before they started shouting again.

"Tommy! Look, look! It's _____ Crown! " Bitzel shouted at me.

"It is." I'm surprised you found it, as Wilbur said it's a very special crown. " I said with calmness in my voice but a hint of tiredness in my voice as well.

Luckily, none of them noticed.

"Can we keep it? Tommy, look what it says! "

They all kept on telling me facts and asking me questions, but I was a bit too tired to answer them. Earlier, Wilbur and Techno said we needed to hang out since Dad, Philza, said so.

I spent the whole morning with them until lunchtime, and since I was hiding my cat features, my ears, and my tail, I got really tired.

They noticed, of course, and asked me why I was so tired. I told them I didn't get enough sleep last night as I was editing a new vlog as an excuse for my tiredness. Luckily, they believed me.

"Tommy! Are you listening? Hello? " I opened my eyes, not realising I had closed them in the first place, to see them all looking at me with a hint of worry on my face.

I'm listening. Don't worry. I assured them

Are you good, Tom? Luke asked me with worry showing in his voice.

"I'm okay guys, just tired." I guess it's just been a tiring morning for me. " I told them

"Why don't you go to sleep?" Wisp asked me

That is a good question. If I'm so tired, then why won't I just go to sleep? Well, if I sleep, then my cat's ears and tail will pop out and they don't know I'm a cat hybrid yet, so yeah-

It's also the reason why I never sleep around them.

"No. I'm okay. I'm just going to see if Boffy is okay. " I told them and they nodded and went back to reading and researching the crown.

I went outside and over to the lake. I know I said I was going to check on Boffy, but I'm too tired and he'll somehow make me sleep.
Then my secret will be revealed and they'll hate me for keeping a secret from them and

I took a deep breath in and out to stop thinking about it because they wouldn't find out for a long time.

I closed my eyes without knowing it and soon fell asleep without thinking.

Hopefully, none of them will find me.

What exactly is this? A T I M E S K I P


I opened my eyes to see the four of them staring at me with wide eyes. It was now night time and the moon was high in the air, so it must be either 11 or 10 pm or over. I was confused for a second about why they were staring at me like that until I realised that my

Cat ears and tail were out.


How could I forget that they come out when I'm sleeping? Oh, wait-

I didn't forget; I just took a risk because I was so tired.

I look at them before saying

"Surprise, I guess."

"You're a fucking cat hybrid!" They all screamed at the same time.

They didn't look angry; instead they looked confused and surprised. I thought they would be angry. I guess not...

"I can explain." I mumbled and they nodded.

They all sat down around me, looking a little bit calmer but still looking surprised and confused.

"Why didn't you tell us?" You know that a cat hybrid needs more stuff than humans! " Luke shouts

Yeah, but the last person I told got really angry at me and left me. I didn't want you guys to leave me... " I explained how I drew my knees to my chest.

"Tommy...You know we'll never do that," Deo said with a soft smile.

I looked at them before purring a bit. Luckily, it was too quick for them to notice. I didn't want them to say how 'cute' or 'adorable' it was.

"Wait-Can you purr and stuff like that?" Bitzel asked in an excited voice.

They all looked at each other before looking back at me. I looked at them confused for a second until one of them explained.

"Can we experiment on you?" We want to know what you can do. Please! " Wisp asks, despite the fact that we all know that even if I say no, they will anyway.

"Definitely not," I said.

"We're going to pretend that you didn't say that!" Deo said.

"Wait! No! Don't you fucking dare! " I shouted at them.

They started rubbing and petting my ears. I couldn't help but purr a bit. But this time they heard it.

"Awww! You can purr! " Luke awed

I didn't stop purring as they still petted me. Neither did I stop my tail from wagging, which definitely got their attention.

"Wait-Wait! You got a tail too! " Wisp shouted. My ears went down a bit, but back up. I was hoping they didn't notice that, but of course, they did.

"Oh-sorry, I didn't mean to shout. Sorry, leader. " Wisp apologized, and I purred back a response.

They continued to pet me and cuddle me. My cat loved the attention, but I just wanted to sleep.

I am too tired right now.

"S-stop..." I whispered, but loud enough for them all to hear.

They all stopped immediately.

We're so sorry! Are you okay? Boss? " They all shouted, but lowered their voices at the end.

"Don't worry. You guys are fine. Mhm, just tired... " I yawned.

They all calmed down before standing up. I was too tired to know who picked me up, bridal style, while I hid my cat features.

"Wait, you can hide your tail and stuff?" Bitzel asked me

"Mhhm, yea." It takes up energy, tho. I mumbled

"Oh k. That makes sense. So uhh-do you want us to take you to your house or?" Luke asked me

"Mine. Unless you want to take me somewhere else. " I said while closing my eyes lightly.

"Ok, we'll take you back to your house," Deo answered.

I clung more to the person carrying me. I could feel their soft fabric clothes. They smelt like honey and flowers. I recognised it as Luke carrying me. even though he's younger and shorter than me.

I heard some doors open before I felt myself being placed on a bed. My bed.

"T-thanx..." I mumbled before falling into the world of dreams.


I opened my eyes carefully and looked around to see I was still in my room. Alone. I got up, stumbling a little, and walked over to the door before opening it slightly.

I walked through the hallway before I saw a red dot on the wall. I went over to it before placing my hand on it. It went on my hand.

I turned around to see the 4 of them laughing.

"Omg! You really are like a cat!" They all laughed some more

I looked at them annoying before slightly smiling. I was happy that they still love me.

I was so so happy...

A/N: Sorry to the person who requested this that it took so long. Anyway, I hoped that you enjoyed it!

Word count: 1703

This has been edited!

PS: Twice now- :/


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