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TW: Suicide, Pills, Knife, Blood, Suicidal thoughts, Death, platonic flirting

[Angst + Fluff]

AU: ??? (Some stuff in this may not make sense as Luke having memory problems and don't worry because that will be explained in future chapters! Along with the white in Deo's hair)
( THIS paragraph is Canon tho)

This story takes place in: ~SMPEarth~ (After Damp)

Word Goal: 2000
▪︎ !! NOT CANON !!

A/N: Hola! I'm going to try to write in Spanish maybe bring Quackity in to practice! Currently learning Spanish so this well be fun~


3rd Person:

He took a deep breathe, air filling his lungs violently as he looked down at the view below. The lake beneath was rough, the rocks were sharp. Tommy, although the desperate need to discover the feeling of death for himself, decided he needed another way. Anyway to die, a way he would be remembered for.

'Maybe I could get some pills off Quackity...' Tommy thought. It was a good idea, though Quackity may tell Wilbur...

Calmly, he thought of another plan while kicking his legs in a motion. Although he knew he couldn't die if he fell off, he knew it'll do some damage. But then Deo will stick beside him for a couple of months, Tommy can't have that. He needed Deo away.

Tommy heard a ruffle before looking around, eyes catching at the ladder. A bright smile of a blonde boy looked back at him. Tommy smiled back at the younger.

'Might as well spread some positivity before my death.'

"Hey, how are you?" The younger boy sat next to him.

"I'm good Lue, how about you?" He asked back, he didn't normally used politeness but then he didn't want people to hate him more.

"Ah- yeah, alright now. Only just got out of the forest." The other chuckled quietly. "Uh- Tom isn't it?"

"Yep that's me Lue. Is your membory getting shit again?" Tommy frowned. It was only a matter of time till Luke well forget him, a good thing for when he's dead, a worser thing for when he's still alive.

"Yep." Ah. He was right then.

"Maybe you should stay only in the bay for a while, or at Grunks. I don't want you getting lost or injured, Luke." Tommy smiled briefly, almost sadly.

"Yeah I probably should, I'll write that down in my notebook." Luke frowned before carrying on. " I think I heard uh- Deo, yeah Deo was calling for you early. Well- he was calling out 'sunshine' but something tells me that's you-"

"Ya, that's me." Tommy wondered if Luke remembered how little him and Tommy have actually spoke to each other since the betrayal, talked in private at least.

"I'll help you get back, sorry, by the way." Tommy spoke softly.

"For what?" The other sat up.

"Don't worry." Luke gave a questioned look at Tommy before Tommy stood up. "C'mon. Let's get back. Hold my hand, I'll lead you."

"Thanks. Uh- your the best Tom."

He smiled, Tommy gave back a smile. "Anything for you Lue."

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