We're going to stick together no matter what!

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TW: none

Timeline: When SMPEarth has ended

[Little bit of Angst and Fluff]

    ▪︎ !! CANON !!

A/N: Also, my autocorrect keeps on correcting Luke to Like and it's SO ANNOYING!!!


3rd person:

Luke sat down as he stared at the orange fire in the fire pit. The fire continued to burn and light up the area as the night went on. It was only Bitzel and Luke left at the fire pit. Deo went to bed, Tommy went to work on something, and Wisp had to go do something.

Luke looked at Bitzel, his dearest friend, with a sad smile. Bitzel took no notice and continued to roast his marshmallow. The server was going to be ending in a week and everyone was packing and getting ready to move to their new server.

Deo is going to Hypixel with Bitzel, Luke is going to some animating server with some friends, Tommy is going to a new server that popped up with Wilbur, and Wisp is going to a place with some friends. They all had plans for where they were going. Most of the servers did.

Luke signed and put his head on his knees and shivered a bit. Bitzel looked his way before sitting beside him. Bitzel putted a blanket on them both. It was a cold night so they had blankets in case any of them got cold.

"What's on your mind? Is something wrong?" Bitzel asked his friend

"I'm just confused. A little bit shocked." Luke answered him

"Hmm. Ain't all of us are?" Bitzel said after a few moments

"Huh. I guess..." Luke said to the older

They stayed quiet while listening to the crickets and owls.

"Bitz just please promise me something. Promise me you'll never leave me. Please!" The younger cried out, clinging onto his friend

"I know we'll be leaving each other and we may never see each other again! I don't want to lose any of you guys..."

The older was taken back by the younger action. Luke sounded so desperate for some kind of response. For some kind of answer.

"Luke I promise I'll never leave you.

We're going to stick together no matter what!"


But that was 2 years ago.

As luke sat on an edge of a building in Hypixel, all by himself, he wondered to himself whether the other members of the bay are doing okay. He hasn't seen any of them for a while. And barely been in contact with any of them either.

None of them has been in contact with their leader, Tommy.

The last message they got from Tommy was that he was scared and that Wilbur isn't okay. It worried all 4 of them. Luke knows it did. But that was months ago and now he doesn't know if any of them are okay.

Luke has been doing stuff with his friends on the animating server he is on. Lots of people have liked his animation and that makes him happy, he'll never though he would succeed.

Though there is still a missing piece in his heart that he knows misses the Bay members dearly.

He signed as he looked up at the sunset. He felt all alone even though he got a family waiting at his home for him. He heard someone sit down next to him as he turned to look beside him.

It was Bitzel.

'It was Bitzel!' He thought.

"Bitz!" He shouted going to hug his friend but Bitzel hugged him first.

"Lukey!" Bitzel shouted holding onto his friend.

He was just walking around Hypixel and saw his friend on a rooftop, looking at the sunset. He ran to the rooftop before sitting down next to Luke. He was happy to see his friend once again.

"I told you that I'll never leave you!" Bitzel shouted and Luke laughed.

They let go of each other before going back to look at the sunset.

"I haven't seen the others in a while. I don't think you have either, have you?" Bitzel asked him

"No. I haven't sadly..." Luke said with a sad expression on his face

"Hey! Cheer up! At least we're together!" Bitzel said trying to cheer him up

"Hah. I guess I do at least have you..."

"Yeah because we're going to stick together!" Bitzel started

"No matter what..." They both said

As the sun fell the two friends reconnected. They aren't going to leave each other now. They're going to stick together and stay by each other's side no matter what...

Maybe even find the others soon...


But for now, they got each other and that's all that matters...

A/N: Kinda rushed since I want to get a chapter out. Also, it has bad grammar and this ain't edited. Might remake this later.

Word count: 774


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