Chapter Two

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I pull up to the school in my charcoal coloured jeep and park it before heading inside to Josh's classroom. This is how they do collection at the end of the day at Josh's Kinder Garden. As the bell rings signalling the end of the school day all the classroom doors are opened and parents file into the separate rooms.

I walk in along with a few other mums and dads all at least four years older than me. I find Josh at his peg getting his bag; he is holding a piece of paper in one hand and his bag in another.

"How was your day little man?" I ask taking his bag and holding his now free hand

"Look what I drew today" he said ignoring my question but instead showing me the piece of paper in his hand that I had seen earlier. He had the cutest smile on his face and he looked so proud of himself.

"Wow that's really good, we can frame this and put it up in the house" I told him which only caused his smile to grow even wider.

"We had to draw our family so this is you, and that's me and there is pickles, up here sitting on the clouds is mummy, daddy and Grandpa because you said they sit up there and look over us to make sure we don't get hurt. This is England and that is Ali's family and Grandma. Up here in the airplane is Lucy and lastly this is Jack" Pickles is our puppy in case you were confused

"Why is Jack on there he isn't in our family silly" I say poking his nose playfully and opening the car door for him.

"Well I wish he was in our family so I just put him there anyway" he continued as I strapped him into his car seat.

"Avaaaaaa because I drew such a good picture can we go get pancakes" he asked in such an innocent voice.

I gave him a look that he knew all to well "and because you are the bestest big sister in the whole world and I love you lots" he finished with a toothy grin.

"That's better" I laughed and started driving towards IHOP.

We sat in a booth to the side and there was a booth at the back filled with men in their early twenties being very loud and annoying. Have they not grown up yet?

"Ava look it's Jack" Josh said pointing at the loud booth and it took me awhile to realize that is was him but I couldn't make out the others except for Johnson who was sitting on his left side.

Before I could stop him Josh had ran over to him but the waitress has just come to our table so I couldnt go after him.

Jack's POV

I was at IHOP with Jack, Nash, Cam, Aaron and Matt when a little boy came running towards our table and I knew who it was as soon as I saw him.

"Jaaaack guess what I'm getting" he said looking very excited

"Double chocolate chip pancakes" I say picking him up and putting him on my lap forgetting the others don't know about him.

"How did you know?" he asked in disbelief

"Because you get the same every time we come here" I say chuckling

"I drew you today at school" he said fiddling with the buttons on my shirt

"Did make me look beautiful?" I ask flipping my hair even though it wasn't long enough to flip.

"No we had to draw our family and I put you on there" he said with a grin.

"You will have to show me when I come over tomorrow" I tell him before continuing "but right now we need to get you back over there little man" I say carrying him back over to Ava.

"I believe he belongs to you" I say putting him down on the opposite side of the booth to her.

"Thank you so much, I would of come over there myself but well I wasn't sure who they are and I didn't want it to be any of the guys you know"

"It's Jack who you know anyway and Nash, Cam, Aaron and Matt" I say looking back at them. Can she really not see the resemblance?

"Oh god" she said starting to freak out

"Its fine just breathe and put your head down when we leave, if we leave before you" I instruct to which she nods

"See you tomorrow" I said before kissing the top of her head and heading back to my booth

"Dude what the fuck just happened?" Nash asked before I even sat down

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you" was all I said, dismissing the conversation before it could begin

Ava's POV

I know they probably won't recognize me because I have changed a lot over these years. (Picture at the top is kind of what im trying to describe) I have gone from a short, chubby, unhealthy girl with kind of short brown frizzy hair to just about average height, slim- not skinny just slim, still unhealthy girl with blonde hair that goes down to my waist. It's not really that blonde, it's more of a white colour if I'm honest. Even though I have changed I still get paranoid they will know it's me and I don't know why I'm getting so worried about it because what would be the harm in them knowing it was me?  No I just need to focus on college and Josh that's all.

We both finished up our pancakes and then left after paying the bill.

"Where to now?" I ask once I have strapped him in and I'm also in the car.

"home" he replies, pointing in the wrong direction to our house.

"Its Friday, do you want Lisa to come over and stay the night because you don't have school tomorrow?" I ask him, Lisa is his best friend and personally I think they should get married even if they are 4.

"Yeah! She can come with me and Jack to the park" he said excitedly

"Where is my invite" I say dramatically

"You have to go to boring school sorry" he smiled sweetly at me. I have to do classes that fit around Josh's school hours so from 9 am till 3 pm and sometimes that means I have to go to extra lessons on Saturdays to keep up with everyone else.

"Don't have too much fun without me" I say as I press the button to open the gates to our house.

One last thing I should probably mention my parents were both very wealthy and so was my grandpa so I didn't know until I turned 18 but half of my grandpas money was left to me and the other half my grandma. My parents split theirs between the four of us but we can access it until we are 18 which is why I only just got mine but something none of us knew was that my Dad had won the lottery a few years ago and he won £48 million which left all four of us with £12 million. Four of which we can get once they are dead or for josh once he is 18, the next 4million when we turn 30 and the last 4million is accessible from the age of 42. a bit random I know but that's what all of the legal documents say and that is also why I live in a $2million house which really is only worth just over £1.3 million. It may seem stupid to you for spending that much on a house but I don't think I will ever move and it's a safe place for Josh to grow up and sure I brought a few nice cars with it but mainly I'm just using it to pay for university. I have my own income from modelling and that's what I use to pay the bills and stuff like that.

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