Ch 16

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They open the door, not looking at me. "Come inside." I stand in front of the couch, not wanting to wet it, however they don't take notice. They won't look at me."I don't know why you're here, but if it's to apologize you need to know. You didn't do anything wrong, you were right. Kaeya was going to be a problem. Just make this quick.. and be on your way. Or.. maybe dry off first." They grab me a towel I pat the water off with, while they sit the couch. I'm wracking my head with what to start off with now.

"(Y/N) I.. I wasn't calling you to end things, I was calling you to patch things up." Their eyes turn a little glassy as they widen.

"But.." Their voice quivered. "I thought you were going out with Jean? The turtle plush.. the day you came to pick her up. I saw you... so.." I couldn't help but frown, they thought I was moving on.

"We weren't going out (Y/N), I don't have any feelings for her. I should've reassured you that from the start." I kneeled down in front of them, laying the flowers on their lap. "Yeah.. maybe I did blow the Kaeya thing out of proportion at first." I sigh. "I need to you to tell me now, do you have any feelings for him?"

"I know you saw him kiss me." They sound guilty, but they take in a deep breath and continue. "But I don't have feelings for him, he kissed me. I gave him a good punch for that afterwards." They grab the flowers and smell them. The small smile appearing on their lips helps ease me. "I should've trusted you, I'm sorry for getting so jealous." They look back up at me, their eyes watering. "It's my fault Diluc, I should've apologized so long ago. About the vase, about the jealousy, and especially about your brother. I don't know how I let it go on." It was both of our faults, we need to work this out. Seeing the frown on their face, I couldn't hold back anymore.

I pulled them into a tight hug. I never want to let you go (Y/N). "I haven't stopped thinking about you for a moment, I just needed some time to think about how we should move forward. I really can't see myself without you (Y/N). Can you see yourself without me?" All of those lonely nights, was (Y/N) thinking about me too?

"Of course I can't.." They hugged me back, nuzzling into the crook of my neck. How I missed this.. "I'm so sorry about everything that happened with Kaeya." Around the time me and (Y/N) finally started trying to work things out, I had to pick (Y/N) up from my art class. We were more or less still at odds, but I was still going to be there when they needed me.

I'm close, I round the corner and look for the class. I see (Y/N) is standing in front, laughing with Kaeya. It's just like before, maybe they were right. I was worrying over nothing. As I'm about to pull into the parking lot I see Kaeya kiss them. Or maybe it's just as I thought. I leave promptly. (Y/N) tries to call me, but I don't pick up. I decide I'll get some paperwork finished instead. By the time nightfall comes, I'm not over it. Was the first time really an accident? Would (Y/N) really? I decide to stay the night here, I don't want to go home so we can just argue about this.

I come back in the morning, me and (Y/N) need a break. I need to tell them, we can't keep this going on."Diluc?" I turn around and feeling worn out. "Where were you yesterday? I was worried." I turn off the stove, not wanting the breakfast to burn.

"Were you? Or were you too busy with Kaeya." I don't even want to think about it.

"Diluc I.. we need to talk alright?" I set down a plate of eggs, maybe we should eat before arguing.

"You're right, we do. We need a break from each other." They look surprised, did they really think I'd let things continue like this? It's clear we need some time apart. I need to think how we're gonna go on.

"..." They can't seem to say anything now. I watched as they turned and started to leave the house. I didn't stop them, but I didn't realize that I wouldn't be seeing them for a long time.

"You were right about Kaeya, I should've listened. I'm really sorry Diluc." They sigh, but I grab their hand. I should've explained better from the beginning.

"As long as you don't feel anything for him, I can't stay I'm mad at you. Mad at Kaeya is a different story, he's quite the flirt.." I trail off, not wanting to talk badly of him. I decide to change the subject. "I cut off ties with Jean.. she won't be getting in our way now." Their eyes widened, it was the only thing left for me to do.

"You.. really?" They seem dumbfounded, if something is affecting us, the best thing to do is get rid of the problem."You didn't have to do that, I shouldn't of gotten jealous over things. You wouldn't do that sort of thing." They laugh it off, but I squeeze their hand. That attitude is what got us in this situation in the first place.

"Don't start (Y/N), you don't need to hold back. This was my decision. A decision I made for us, I won't let something like that get in our way again." I smile, trying to reassure them.

"Ok." They say a little sheepishly. "Thank you." They squeeze my hand and repeat it. "Thank you." It's hard to catch, but I do.

Fly Away, Promising To Return (DilucxReader)Where stories live. Discover now