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-A Few Weeks Later-

As I'm calling Jean, I can hear Klee in the background. "So yeah.. I'm not sure what to do about that. I know if I told Diluc he'd just get angry with him, and would hold it against him. Maybe even make me quit." I sigh. "But besides me, how've you been doing? I heard business started flourishing. Ever since Diluc added your business on the menu that is." I smile, I'm happy for her. I've slowly gotten closer to her and she's now one of my best friends.

"It really has! Flora and Chloris love to talk to everyone who comes in. Klee.. she's uh been told to stay in the back if she causes any trouble. The people love her however. Did you maybe want to hang out soon?" She told me she was good friends with Amber, but they slowly drifted apart. I'm sure they'd like to rekindle their friendship.

"Sure, I'll bring Amber along to. When are you free? I can't go Thursday or Sunday, but I'm free any other day." I can hear her sigh.

"I was hoping you wouldn't say that.. those are the only days I'm free." From what I've seen someone fills in for her on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Are they sick? "I have other plans this Wednesday and then the other florist can't be there Thursday." I sigh as well.

"We can put it off for next week?" I look over to my art supplies. We say our goodbyes and I sigh. I start scrolling on my phone trying to find something to do. There's not much for me to do anymore, I've been quite lonely. I look through my contacts, Ningguang and Childe are looking tempting right now. It's barely Tuesday, maybe I should work on my art skills or something. Just not in the freezing cold this time. I get up, but just as I do my phone rings. I look at the caller, it's Amber. I pick up hastily. "Hey!" No response, but there is chatter. Did she accidentally call me? I raise the volume and put it on speaker. Maybe she's just having really bad reception?

"..He.. we're...... painting.. Diluc.." Diluc? What am I listening to? This is Amber and..? "But he..." it sounds like Jean.

" cant.... It's ...... almost like.... cheating... but...." I hang up. Has Jean been lying to me about Amber? What else has she been lying about.. What's any of this have to do with Diluc. I look at the time, barely past 7. I grab a random paint color and splatter it on, not really paying attention to the canvas. I paint the words I'm thinking over the canvas, which helps. It's what I used to do with math problems, my paper was filled so I stare at the computer. I'd see the problem, and without looking at the paper, write it out and solve it in my head. It organized my thoughts and this is definitely helping me now. I close my eyes dabbing my brush in more different colors. By the time I open my eyes again it's because I started nodding off, my arms dangling. Paint got on the floor! Shit!! Now I'm awake, while I start quickly cleaning the floor. I look over to the time, 9:47. What place is still doing delivery at this hour? I scroll through my phone and decide to have some pizza delivered. I look over to my canvas, a swirl of colors all over. I decide to just cover the canvas in all black paint, I'll think of a dark scenery later. I store it in the storage closet, before heading to the bathroom to wash my face up. I see there's some paint on my face and all over my hands. Deciding to take a quick shower, I hop in. The warm water calming my anxiety. Diluc would never cheat on me, Amber wouldn't lie to me, and Jean wouldn't do that to me.. Well Jean doesn't seem like the type to. I'm sure it was all a misunderstanding.

Once I'm finally changed I hear a ring at the door. I hurry over, with some money as a tip. Only to see Diluc, exhausted. He's home early? Well, earlier than normal. "Hey." I say in a concerned tone. I give him a kiss on the cheek, taking his coat off. "Had a hard day?" He just groans, heading to the couch. "I ordered pizza, should be here soon, if you want some?" He plops down onto the couch, getting comfortable.

"Yeah that's great.." I sit next to him. "The customers today.. so annoying. Just because their Tuesday has been hard doesn't mean they should make mine too." I hear the doorbell ring again. I pat Diluc's shoulder in sympathy slightly, before heading to the door. I give them a tip bid them a goodnight and head back to the couch. "Did you not cook yourself something earlier?"

Fly Away, Promising To Return (DilucxReader)Where stories live. Discover now